fun commute in this morning. Had a some interesting interaction with motorist this morning. The best being turning left onto Dundas street and a VW turn right, coming from the other way, i had right of way. He did a bit of whacky races on the green light to beat round the corner, as i guess he wanted to get to the next red light up the hill as quick as possible. I start cyclying right in his path staring at at him and he had to brake hard. he was very shock. he then over took me safely going up dundas street and got to the next red light quick smart. I then breezed passed him. 
Other than that a very close pass from a very tidy BMW. who obviously didn't like me filtering to the Bike box on the red and getting infront of him going onto Lothian road. the look on his missus face as he passed was either "OMG you're going to hit that cyclist" or "I wish cyclist would just F off" which i'm sure was the sentiment in the car.
Get done by strava this morning as well. was a 9 mile ride.

Other than that a very close pass from a very tidy BMW. who obviously didn't like me filtering to the Bike box on the red and getting infront of him going onto Lothian road. the look on his missus face as he passed was either "OMG you're going to hit that cyclist" or "I wish cyclist would just F off" which i'm sure was the sentiment in the car.
Get done by strava this morning as well. was a 9 mile ride.