just had an excellent commute home in the dark. not sure where all the traffic is but it is currently not on the roads I was cycling (nor was it all on the M6 when I went over that). Normally route takes 1hrs 45 mins from my mothers (trust me this counts as a commute it is done so frequently!) instead route home took 1hr 30 mins. difference was lack of traffic which meant that in the dark on the country lanes I could cycle in the centre of the lane avoiding all of the potholes (well most of them East Cheshire has rather too many of them to miss all of them) and got the smoother tarmac as well. Only needed to move over when the odd car came up behind me and with them on full beam I got plenty of warning... average for that 33km home was 22kph! unheard of for me....
Strava shows 8 cups for todays ride... 3 of those are QOM's!
Going out, I even had a female black audi driver stop for me at a speed bump in the road where cars were parked on either side and let me through first! rather surprised me... all in all a good day (compared to same day last year that is!)