Tales from today's commute....

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All at sea⛵
I tried a new route this morning, one I had found whilst perusing Strava segments.
Unfortunately, after about 2km I was confronted by a large sign stating "Private Road No Public Right of Way", so turned around in a huff and carried on the usual route.
Can only assume the Strava riders just ignored the the very large sign, naughty, naughty.

One like that in Whitstable. I'll take a photo next time I use it.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
After yesterday's rather busy ride to work, involving three lamentable close passes, and three drivers using their handheld mobile phones in view of my helmet camera, it was a pleasure to ride in the sunshine on much quieter roads this morning. The school strike had decimated the amount of traffic.
Foolishly! But he blinked first.

At a T junction.

We have a lot of 7km/h (4mph) "shared space streets" and you can imagine how many drivers keep to that limit.

I may have been known to ride my bike at just over walking speed, right in the middle of the road when cars are trying to blast through.
Slowed down today for a short 7km/h speed restriction, and as I reached the other end there was a mobile speed camera. These are run by the local authority and are run as an income source.

They're also entirely unmarked and as with this one, well hidden: I didn't see it until well after I'd have passed through the beam.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Stopped a car in the town and reminded him it was a 20 mph zone.
He didn't seem grateful for the intelligence.

This weekend I pulled up alongside a car that had pulled out very close in front of me at the previous junction. The first time I have done this in a couple of years.

I wanted to ensure the driver knew what he had done, and the consequences for him if there had been a collision.

To my surprise the driver was known to me - a senior manager in the highways department! He apologised meekly - I guess a formal complaint wouldn't have looked good.
I've fallen over from jetlag and exhaustion, but this is the first time it's happened due to a screw falling out. Tighten up your nuts if you can!


The annoying thing is, you know exactly what's happened, the instant you commit to the side. I'll also unclip in anticipation next time.
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I've fallen over from jetlag and exhaustion, but this is the first time it's happened due to a screw falling out. Tighten up your nuts if you can!

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The annoying thing is, you know exactly what's happened, the instant you commit to the side. I'll also unclip in anticipation next time.

It's always my first point of call for any annoying creek.

The solution:

Toe clips.jpg
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