Any good? My jacket held ok, but good loads of water down my neck due to the headwind. I got soaked in the 12 minutes it took me to get home.
OK, here goes - full review - 40 minute journey:
Buff under helmet- ok , kept me warm and it stops rivers going direct into my eyes which I find can sting so much as to be dangerous, but wish I'd had my casquette to keep rain more off my glasses and minimise glare from oncoming cars.
Showers Pass jacket - absolutely excellent, amazingly nearly totally dry underneath.
Planet X crab claw gloves (with Gore liner gloves for extra warmth) - very good, kept dry and just about warm enough.
Cheapo planet x bib tights- would like them a little warmer for winter really. Ok.
Seal skin waterproof socks: just about ok, kept worst out but proper over shoes needed for any longer ride in these conditions.