Marie Attoinette Fan
Bit of a frustrating run of p'tured for me this week. Over the weekend my rear tyre went flat (probably p'tured on Friday), so I had to change that before it even started. That was the 2nd in two weeks so I ordered a new tyre. It came but I held off fitting it, I am glad I did. Last night I had an unscheduled deflation thanks to a 1 inch nail. That would have wrecked any tyre, I am glad it was the old one. I fixed the p'ture but didn't know how long it would hold, amazingly it held around 7+ miles. It eventually went 3.5miles from where I'd park, that was a slow 3.5 miles. Put the new tyre on pumped it up and all seemed fine and in the morning it was ok too. It didn't like the 35mins in the car though. Not long after I'd parked, BANG. Another repair needed and an express ride to work ensued after :-D