Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Riding home on quiet roads at about 9pm after a work cricket match,I found a dangerous driver who has really shaken me up.

Cycling along the High Street dodging potholes and manhole covers, and observing the pointless painted bike symbols on the road, I became aware of a VW Golf driver travelling exceptionally close to my back wheel.

He could hardly have got closer without hitting me.

I put my right arm out with my open palm behind me in a pushing motion, and shouted "Back Off" but (unusually in this situation) he did not back off.

He continued to drive way too close to my back wheel - I was seriously alarmed by how close he continued to drive to me, but I had nowhere to go.

He then overtook me too close.

He claimed I was riding too far out in the road when I caught up with him at the red light ahead, but that was not the case. I was riding in secondary position and avoiding manhole covers and potholes. Anyway, it was no excuse at all for getting so close to me at 20mph.

I have reported him to the Police and asked for prosecution. If you want to see it you can do so here
View: https://youtu.be/x1CdYBQiPXE
but be warned it is NSFW as my language is somewhat unparliamentary.

He referred to my camera, but I don't think he realised I had one running on the rear as well (Aldi job used as a back light). If the dashcam review officers think a letter to the registered keeper is sufficient for this driving then I will be making a formal complaint.

Good on you, you did the right thing and in a far more diplomatic way then I would have done.


Absolute roaster in an Audi 4x4 overtook me whilst I signaled and moved into a filter lane to turn right. Numpty.

Otherwise a nice easy ride in.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
What a complete and utter cock womble driver ^^^^
He should get done for that.

That was bloody close, glad you are ok. Some drivers just don't realize that it just takes a pot hot or piece of road debris and you have no where to go. I have a similar run out if Wellingborough station - its down hill but the road is terrible and you have to weave your way around the pot holes and other hazards.
Hopefully the driver will be punished.

Thanks chaps

Here's hoping - I just emailed the police's Dashcam team to reinforce my request that this is dealt with by prosecution rather than a warning letter & to offer to attend a station to give a statement.


Active Member
Very warm commute this morning. Had some idiot try to overtake me coming through a single lane road works.
Also, a definite drug driver, the smell of weed was very obvious, and he was on his hands free too. I was glad to
turn off the road away from him.

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
I think we can all agree we are sick of bad driving no? But how you react varies from person to person.

Homeward bound on the school run bikes. Driver, turning right nearly ploughs into a group of teenage boys. They all end up shouting and swearing at each other. Driver resorts to racial language....

...and ends up with his car stranded in the middle of the road minus both his wing mirrors:eek:

The end.


Velo, boulot, dodo
My feet are dry and my cap, gloves and leg warmers are in the 40C incubator in the lab.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Had some warn rain too. Not heavy, more of a drizzle. But still warm.
From having one of the best commutes cycling to work yesterday morning with clear roads, to struggling today with the whole of SE London seemingly blocked with motor traffic. Horrendous. I also think the predicted rain has scared off the fair weathers. Only a couple of fellow cycling commuters on my route today.

So, rainy commute #21 for the year 2019 to date
Same period last year, 31 rainy commutes, 53 over all for the year 2018


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yet another rainy commute, but thankfully more drizzle then full on rain.
rainy commute #22 for the year 2019 to date
Same period last year, 31 rainy commutes, 53 over all for the year 2018

Garmin nearly came a cropper this morning. Rode a sleeping policeman and the Garmin went flying out of the mount. Van following me behind, I was waiting for the destructive 'crunch' of rubber over Garmin. Luckily the van missed it. First time it's ever decided to jump ship. Checked the mount and the the Garmin and no reason for it to jump. Just one of those things I guess.

Lovely cycling through the centre of Bromley this morning. A couple of burst water mains meant that the main road through (A21) was shut to motor traffic which made for a nice ride for me.

A21. Hey skinny GS Avanti rider. Repeatedly Jumping red lights, don't bother me. But in your club kit. That's not on. You sir are a berk.


On the school run with the daughter yesterday (aged 10) and came across this fabulous bit of parking on the cycle / foot path. Bearing in mind that this pavement is a stones throw from a primary school, nice of him to force everyone into traffic. Reported him for obstructing the highway and illegal pavement parking. Wonder if it'll go anywhere.



Senior Member
weirdly 2 things.

1. I was out having fun with my friends, I cycled into town got bus had a close call with a bus pulling out anyway but driver weirdly stopped just as he pulled out even though i slowed down to let him finish pulling out but i guess he saw me last minuite because he didn't continue till i went past.

2. then we got a difference bus to bowling since my friends don't cycle and when we came back on the bus there were teenagers messing around just being silly weaving around the bike lane and doing wheelies in the bike lane right next to bus. The bus driver ended up knocking him off, No offense too the teenager but personally i think this was karma. The driver didn't even realise till 5 mins later and then stopped at checked. Blind spot i'm guessing? The teenager was blaming him for being in cycle lane when he wasn't even in it) Luckily the teenager was ok but personally this was the teenagers fault because they should of been more careful. The driver must of been pretty annoyed or thinking it was his fault as people that got off the next few stops we could hear people asking if he was ok and saying it wasn't his fault. Police didn't get involved probs because no one got hurt. I personally don't get why teenagers are so careless. This was when we were on the bus me and my friend. I hate seeing this stuff. The driver kept his cool and wasn't rude suprsingly. The teenagers were being rude to him.

(You could hear everything going on even though we were upstairs)
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weirdly 2 things.

1. I was out having fun with my friends, I cycled into town got bus had a close call with a bus pulling out anyway but driver weirdly stopped just as he pulled out even though i slowed down to let him finish pulling out but i guess he saw me last minuite because he didn't continue till i went past.

2. then we got a difference bus to bowling since my friends don't cycle and when we came back on the bus there were teenagers messing around just being silly weaving around the bike lane and doing wheelies in the bike lane right next to bus. The bus driver ended up knocking him off, No offense too the teenager but personally i think this was karma. The driver didn't even realise till 5 mins later and then stopped at checked. Blind spot i'm guessing? The teenager was blaming him for being in cycle lane when he wasn't even in it) Luckily the teenager was ok but personally this was the teenagers fault because they should of been more careful. The driver must of been pretty annoyed or thinking it was his fault as people that got off the next few stops we could hear people asking if he was ok and saying it wasn't his fault. Police didn't get involved probs because no one got hurt. I personally don't get why teenagers are so careless. This was when we were on the bus me and my friend. I hate seeing this stuff. The driver kept his cool and wasn't rude suprsingly. The teenagers were being rude to him.

(You could hear everything going on even though we were upstairs)

I can't do wheelies either.
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