I'd a totally impromptu, unplanned bike commute this morning.
My car wouldn't start last night, everything pointed towards a flat battery. I took the battery out overnight and had it on charge in the garage. Put it back in this morning but no, car still wouldn't start. It was 7:30am, my wife was away in our other car, I had 2 girls to get ready and 3 miles to school. Added to that, the rain had come on pretty hard. The latter had kinda ruled out my eldest riding to school (plus issues with the bike & granny's pick up later..). Thank goodness for the double trailer. My soon to be 7yo is too big for it now but still fits, so in they got with school bags in the boot and I pulled the waterproof cover down, hooked it to the 'weighty' fat bike (the only bike that I have suitable to pull it at present) and off to school we went. By the time we got there, i was sufficiently drenched, the trailer looked like it'd been pulled through a forest but vola, the kids jumped out clean and dry and off through the doors they went. I then had to drop the trailer to a relations in the town before another 12 miles wet riding, into a headwind to scrape into work just before 10am. Tough morning, tough conditions but bike to the rescue!