At nearly 40, the first commute last friday for me, ever. I'm a pootler and enjoy the occasional leisure ride. At 10 miles each way, i decided to drive the 1st four miles of the commute, and cycle the remaining six miles along mostly cycle path. It was hard, I walked up quite a few lumps, nearly got taken out by two foxes that came crashing out of the hedge onto the path a few feet ahead of me. But I got to work. Result.
The return leg back to the car was much harder. It was muddy, wet and I was knackered after work. There was a runner ahead of me and I never caught him up

But I took my time and got back ok. I think my average speed was about 8mph

. I was really tired but pleased enough overall to be willing to do it again.
My general fitness is pretty good, after fridays efforts I said to myself that if I stick to it, adding the extra 3 or 4 miles is doable. That's my goal, to be able to do it by the end of the summer. I just need to get the cycling legs warmed up I think.
Events conspired against me, so I haven't been able to commute again until today. The ride in was damp, but I felt ok. Pretty much the same as Friday, perhaps a little quicker. I was reasonably happy.
Really tired after work again so I wasn't looking forward to the return leg as much. I don't know what happened but before I knew it I was back at my car! Much quicker, and physically I felt like I had just been out for a pootle. Struggled on one of the lumps, and got off to walk half way up, but was ok on all others. Don't think I was noticably faster, but it was definitely much easier. And I loved every second of it. Pleasant way to unwind after work.
I think perhaps I may have been a little under the weather last week. I will now be aiming for the full ten miles in a month or so.
Oh and I didn't know if the 1x7 would be enough of a range for me. At the speed I'm going I don't have to worry about that for a while yet