Bike-train-bike today. Should have been a 85 minute journey. Ended up 2h40 and it wasn't even mainly the wind!
First, the road cycle route was closed, without a safe diversion, contrary to what Norfolk County Council Highways had told me. The road was not passable on foot as claimed. There was no road: it was either molten or under machinery.

Complete replacement not the patching it's had for at least 7 years. Oh well, it'll probably be good when it's finished.
Time was pressing, so I took the unsafe diversion, diving into a lay-by at one point to avoid a close-passing Eagles of Castle Acre coach. No camera because I didn't spend the time to attach it.
The trains were on an emergency timetable, limited to 50mph because of the high winds, so it was not quite clear what time they'd actually leave at. Even now, the readouts on Real Time Trains are basically fiction, not matching what was on the station boards and not showing at least one train I rode on. As I rounded the bend onto the long straight to the station, I could see the level crossing is down, so I gave it what I can into the stonking headwind coming off the open fen and through the crossing... and the train pulls out of the platform and crosses the road when I'm about 30m away.

I took the "spare" hour to the next train to run some errands now rather than on my way back.
Next train is 3 minutes late from its emergency timetable and we're only the second station. It's racked up another 12 minutes of delay by the end, so it's a mad dash to try to do a 12 minute journey in 8 but fortunately the wind's behind me... so I manage it in 10 and no-one comments on the 2 minutes late. Just as well I planned to get there an hour early and do some other work first!
Return to the station was uneventful, but trains were still messed up. After getting off, I took a longer cycle route to avoid the closed road, crossing exposed open fen and about 20% into the headwind, but the connecting road back to the closed cycle route had a sign up "Major gas works ahead. Unsuitable for through traffic" signs.

I continued and played "dodge-digger" because I wasn't doing another 2 miles in that wind to go around it on bridleways. Got away with it

but what kind of uncoordinated shambles at County Highways lets companies dig up two consecutive turnings at the same time?
The last bit of that road had a stonking tailwind and the chap on the road bike who overtook me didn't pull away anything like as quickly as an earlier one into the headwind