If you intend to report a motorist for bad driving towards you, get the date and time stamp sorted on the camera.
Unexpectedly terminated commute this morning. 5 miles into the commute on an unlit road, riding deliberately wider than my normal road positioning because I know there can be puddles in that section of road, I hit black ice. The bike just went from under me. Luckily a driver about 50 metres behind was alert and managed to avoid me. The driver was also courteous enough to stop and make sure I was OK. In the twilight and lit with the bike front light, the black ice looked to be around 20 metres in length and over both carriageways. I am guessing the ice was caused by spray from the puddles, as the rest of the road up to that point had been dry. Ended up walking the bike on the grass verge to get away from the ice, as it was impossible to walk with, or push the bike, on the road, without one or both of us sliding.
Another 12 miles and the return journey was not appealing, so made my home. Bruised ribs, hip, elbow and some unpleasant looking thigh grazes. Bike seems to be mainly scuffs to the brake hoods.
Reported the road conditions to the Council.