Tales from today's commute....

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Quite icy commutes the last 3 mornings, I was on 6am starts, lovely, no traffic, studded tyres, the only thing not to like is the getting up in the middle of the night :laugh:
Missed the big snow storm today, as I was already at work, all gone now.
Met office says another cold one tomorrow, then mild again with lots of rain.
@mynydd what a day you had: I don't think I would be able to fix a flat when it's so cold.
Mind, last year I had to ride 4 miles without saddle on the ice bike, because the seat post screw snapped: stuff like that only happens when the weather is inclement!
My commute in the morning will be by car. It is - 7 degrees at the moment. A 20km ride at 4am would not be very enjoyable.
Don't blame you, I set off to work at 1600hrs in very light sleet, 1 mile in it was near blizzard conditions for the rest of the commute, absolutely soaked!
Finished 3hrs early at midnight and the roads were just beginning to ice over, if I'd left on time I'd have been buggered.


Legendary Member
Grim absolutely bloody grim
Praying for no puncture as fixing it would hAve been a nightmare

Might be bus tomorrow which would be a shame
That is what happened to me yesterday. I back tracked 200m to a bus stop to repair the puncture. I have decided to ride when I get home and skip my commutes until it gets over 5 degrees. It was bone chilling yesterday.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
That is what happened to me yesterday. I back tracked 200m to a bus stop to repair the puncture. I have decided to ride when I get home and skip my commutes until it gets over 5 degrees. It was bone chilling yesterday. View attachment 448553
Jeez, how much crap have you got strapped to that poor bike?


Legendary Member
Photo Winner
Northern Germany
-8 this morning and not much different on the ride home either. No snow here though, just bone chilling cold.

Monday was absolutely stunning though, only -7, but there was hoarfrost over everything and a beautiful sunrise. The world was completely white and the contrast with the blue sky and the blood moon was breathtaking (Or was that just the cold?)

It's certainly been a cold week for commuting and I've even resorted to putting a hat on.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
This morning had a couple of buttock clenching moments, such as black ice further along this road in the freezing fog.


Apart from cold toes in the last few miles, I seemed to get the clothing just right. Was lovely and toasty for most of the journey, without being sweaty.

The journey home was strange. The same clothing as the morning made me feel overdressed and whilst it was cool, it certainly wasn't cold. But about 6 miles out from the city, it was as if Frozone from the Incredibles had visited. Within around 200 metres, the cool changed to palpably cold and snow returned to the side of the road. And even in the places where the snow had disappeared, the cold was still there. Still cosy though and no cold toes. :smile:
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