What happens when an unstoppable knobber meets an immovable numpty ?
Approaching the junction of a roundabout this morning, a taxi driver decides to get there before me and overtakes at speed, narrowly missing me.
Looking in my mirror, I see a white VW Golf approaching at speed too.
From fear of running out of room, I take a defensive position to stop him overtaking.
Meanwhile, the taxi driver wants to enter the bus station on the opposite side of the road. But instead of going around the roundabout first, he decided to take a short cut and takes a sharp right - and why not ? There's only a cyclist behind him. What do they matter.
As this was happening, the fool behind me in his Golf, gets a bad case of TWS and perceives me in front of him as a threat to his manhood.
He decides floor it past me, on the wrong side of the road.
Unfortunately for him - the taxi in front is now on the wrong side of the road (at 90 degrees) and he has to slam on his brakes to avoid broad-siding the taxi. He skids and ends up at same angle - also on the wrong side of the road.
Words ensue between the two - as to who was at fault - that was, until I arrived and set them both straight.
It's bad enough having to deal with one of these at a time, but when you get two together !!!