How many idiots can you find in a short 2 mile commute? Well, three as it turns out. First some older "gent" in a biggish bmw squeezed between me and a car waiting to turn right across the road, almost forcing me into the bushes. About five hundred metres further down I was doing about 20mph, and I can see a car front coming out of a side lane, eased on the pedals, and sure enough, the car came out without really looking, forcing me to grab the brakes hard.
After this section of road I go into a shared path, what could go wrong? Well some dog walker letting his mut in an extending lead take the whole path, I slowed down, called excuse me, and went carefully around him and then the dog, all at maybe 5mph. As I was going past he shouted, "where's the bell?" I ignored him and carried on.
At least it was sunny and not cold, still in shorts and fingerless gloves.