Anyway.. yesterday's commute was the usual 12.5 miles, quite uneventful apart from hearing a tinging sound from the rear wheel after I'd bounced across an unavoidable bit of bumpy tarmac. I thought I broke a spoke, but it turned out that one on the mudguard strut bolts had vibrated free and was somewhere in my wake. I fixed it with a small cable tie and carried on on my way within a few minutes. I'll keep an eye out for the bits next time I pass there, but am not holding my breath!
Longer, 15 mile, route home, just after midnight, as I had a bit of energy left after a 10 hour shift.
Buzzed by a few bats, as they swooped in on the moths illuminated by my lights, probably.
Just before home, on a dark, unlit section of fast downhill and then uphill road, I didn't see the cyclist coming t'other way, all I heard was the freehub noise as he barrelled past in the other direction! Gawd knows how he could see anything, let alone be seen!
Back home just after 01:00.