I had a similar occurrence on Saturday. Travelling on an unfamiliar road, I was approaching a traffic light controlled junction with the laft hand lane as left turn only and the right hand lane as straight on only. I checked over my shoulder (there was just a white van in the middle distance), indicated and moved into the right hand lane. Just as I was about to pass the lights, the white van came flying up the inside of me and cut across in front.
I thought I was going to have to invest in some new shorts.
For me where ussually the street it happened on is full of parked cars luckily their wasn't many at the time. I had no choice but to move closer to the edge of the lane. So it didn't cause an accident but if their had been more parked cars or a car in the other lane at the time it could of easily caused a accident
I actually just messaged Ocado through facebook and they replied instantely.
i bassically just said:
Me: Hello, there i just wanted to say. Most of your drivers are fine however today one of your drivers overtook me very closely in the same lane as me whilst i was cycling. just wanted to say this is dangerous and was just before a mini roundabout. Like he could of just waited behind untill their was enough room to overtake using the other lane. Just wanted to make you aware that one of your drivers needs to be more aware
Delivery service: Hello (my name). We appreciate how alarming this must have been for you. We certainly want to have this passed on for you! Please could you confirm where this was, the date, the time and the possible number plate of the driver too (if you were able to note it down). We can then locate this driver and try to ensure something like this doesn't happen in the future.
Me: It was around 3.20pm (I think) today (13th) i didn't get the number plate but the colour on the back was mostly orange. It was on (road and town name) just before a mini roundabout.
Delivery service: Thank you for these details, (my name). We will ensure to pass on the feedback about this for you, as we don't want something like this happening to you or another cyclist. We take matters like these very seriously, so the driver will be dealt with accordingly. (Name of someone)
Me: Thanks
Delivery service: You're welcome, (my name). We hope despite of this, you have a nice evening (name of someone)
Me:Thanks and you too