I have spoken to the 101 call center for WYP, the gentleman on the phone was very helpful and assured me someone would be in touch in the next 48 hours to discuss further to arrange the transfer of evidence. He gave me the impression they take it quite seriously, let's just see how it pans out. This incident has prompted me to order and fit a rear camera, that would have made the intimidation attempt much more obvious, head mounting the cam isn't an option as I don't wear a pillow hat. Hopefully this footage along with a third party witness statement (from neighbor who happened to be driving behind the offender) will be sufficient for the police to take some action.
Keep us posted. That was disgraceful.
Journey home tonight could have been better. Left work in drizzle which stopped after a mile or so and for the next 4 miles or so, it was very pleasant, even sunny in places. But I could see a sky full of black clouds approaching from my direction of travel and sure enough cycled into a cloudburst and the rain stayed with me for 40/45 minutes, until I was a couple of miles from home, by which time, I was very soggy, from the rain and huge puddles.
Some inbred seemed to find it amusing to shout abuse from a car as it passed me in the downpour, and a WVM deliberately pulled out in front of me from a side road, with the tw@t laughing at me as I struggled to slow down with rim brakes in the soaking conditions. Then some dick decides he is going to undercut me when I am turning right, just because he is also turning right.
I am definitely losing the mental squabble about buying a cam.