Tonight's commute home was an exercise in how not to de-escalate conflict. I was interrupted by a moton beeping and close passing me as they went past on the main road. It's about 1.5 normal lanes with a cycle lane on the right handside. The cycletrack is usually filled with gravel and crap, and given that I was going relatively quickly at about 28mph I kept right, just over into the main lane, leaving ample space to pass, even though I was essentially keeping up with the rest of the traffic.
Pulled up alongside them at the next set of lights inevitably to be greeted with a deluge of profanity. I tried to explain to the driver that I was well within my rights to cycle there, cue more profanity, road tax, more profanity etc etc, at which point the lights changed so as I was losing my temper I called her a shoot driver and told her to fark off and learn how to drive. This prompted her boyfriend(?) to get out of the now moving car without waiting to stop, so I called him a bellend as I went around them and carried on up the road.
I'll readily accept that I dealt with it poorly, but their attitude and roadcraft were appalling. I'm not one to post these sorts of things in this thread, but I'm still seething a bit some six hours later.