Tales from today's commute....

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Cycling Skoda lover
Fine rain ! The type that wets you through :laugh:


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Sometimes one has great commutes, others merge into one another and some are downright sh1te, for whatever reason. And tonight's definitely fell into the latter category.
Started about 3/4 mile into the journey home, with some woman in a Mini cutting across me and the unbroken white lines of the cycle lane, just to get into a left filter lane at some traffic lights. Seemingly totally oblivious to, or at least refusing to acknowledge my shouting as she sped off as I drew level with her.,
Half a mile or so later, pulled up at some lights next to a tram stop. On my right was a woman in a BMW with her car part way across the unbroken white line of the cycle lane and crossing into the ASL. Looked into her car and she had sandwich betwixt hand and mouth, with others on her lap. Lights change and I'm thinking "Is she driving one handed?" So briefly am looking right, just as I cross the tram lines which merge from the tram stop onto the main road and quickly discover I haven't got the angle right. Next thing I am on the deck in the accumulated mud and dirt.
A mile or so later have an altercation with a dick in a Volkswagen van, cutting across the unbroken white line of the cycle lane.
15 miles later some lard arse in a Range Rover decides at a mini roundabout that priority is left to right and not the other way around. Luckily the spidey senses hadn't disappeared completely despite the adrenaline dropping off and hip and elbow stinging a lot.
Bike: Apart from the cockpit being mud spattered and bar tape looking crap, mainly from my gloves getting covered mud, the main damage is the clear plastic over the Sora levers has been smashed off on the right side.
Clothing: Jacket sleeve holed in two places and one of two gloves (which I nearly didn't wear because of being too warm) holed.
Self: Bruised and grazed hip. Elbow bruised, bloodied and raw. Both now basting in sudocreme.

Might be bike, train, bike tomorrow as I suspect I might be bit sore.


Great run home tonight, mostly clear skies, nice sunset. And knocked 4s off my PR on a short, but quite steep climb, not much, but normally takes around a minute to get up. Proper chuffed.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Nice misty ride in slightly spoilt by a driver who decided to barge past the cyclists who had filtered to the front of the traffic queue. I noted that the same car passed me too close in November last year so have decided to upload the footage & report the driver. Maybe a few words of advice might change his/her attitude.


N Ireland
I got a proper old fashioned drenching on the way home last night. Dark, windy and diagonal rain, the unholy trinity.

This morning the roads were wet but just a light drizzle. Traffic was heavier than yesterday for whatever reason, but I enjoy someone passing me on a country road and then I pass them 10 minutes later in the town.


Another mostly tailwind in today, so a pretty swift run in again, but otherwise uneventful.


Cardinal Member
Ohio, USA
Ok, so finally my first post here because FIRST COMMUTE, YAAAAAAAAY!!!!! It was super warm today (supposed to be back down to freezing again tomorrow night, gotta enjoy it while I can!) and it had rained heavily yesterday but the roads were good. A few big puddles but my new fenders kept everything clean :wub: I hadn't ridden the route before as I have no spare time but it goes along a trail I am unfamiliar with and found really pretty, alongside a traintrack and then through a little quiet neighborhood before getting back onto the busy city roads. I normally drive on the expressways and they are not nearly as pretty.

I had two people honk at me on the main road by my house (and one lady actually yelled at me 'There's no f*in bike lane here!' to which I replied 'I am a f*in vehicle!!!') but other than that traffic was good. My Google maps decided to turn itself off halfway here (phone was in my bra so I could hear its directions) and I ended up a little off-track because I went about a mile past my turn thinking that I should still be going straight on this new trail before realizing I had no idea where I was and was in the woods somewhere! Still, I had left very early since I hadn't ridden the route before so backtacking was inconvenient but I still made it with plenty of time to clean up and clocked in early.

Downsides: new rack held my bag well, but I had tied my jacket around my waist since there was a possibility of rain, and ended up getting too hot from it. Also forgot my water bottle so of course once I realized that my throat instantly became the Sahara desert. Wasn't able to easily lock my bike up here at work but made the best of a difficult situation and made her as secure as I can, I'll keep ckecking on her throughout the day. I will need to figure something out, maybe a big motorcycle chain around the guardrail!

Overall it was a great success, I felt good and my helmet hair actually looks fabulous! I mildly gloated to my boss walking in with my helmet and complaining about parking because he mocked me about it yesterday and told me that he didn't think I could ride in. I showed his pansy azz! He asked how long it took me and I told him about half an hour, so 10 or 15 minutes longer than driving, and he exclaimed how awful it was to take so much longer to get here and the fresh air and exercise weren't worth it. :sad: Nevertheless I feel accomplished and am looking forward to the ride home tonight!


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Nice misty ride in slightly spoilt by a driver who decided to barge past the cyclists who had filtered to the front of the traffic queue. I noted that the same car passed me too close in November last year so have decided to upload the footage & report the driver. Maybe a few words of advice might change his/her attitude.

And yes, he's getting a warning from the Police about his driving around cyclists. Hopefully one more driver re-educated ?


Cardinal Member
Ohio, USA
So for the commute home... *sigh* After my boss concernedly asked if I was ok riding home in the dark he watched me put my lights on and made sure I was on my way safely (see, he's not always a jerk) but only after commenting on 'how long it takes to get ready' (unlocking, strapping my bag and lock down, and attaching lights is like two minutes.) I pointed out that he uses his prissy electric start and has his car run for much longer than that before he drives home when it is cold out. He agreed and then said that he wished he had my determination! :ohmy: So then off I went.

First I hadn't adjusted my bag onto my rack well enough (it is just a sling backpack and I strapped it on to improvise, I haven't gotten my panniers yet) so a ways down the road I noticed it had fallen askew and was hanging off, stopped to fix it. Not a big deal but I just couldn't get it as secure as the trip to work so I was paranoid and had to keep checking on it.

I then had to stop at a red light to turn left and got in the left turn only lane, and waited, and waited, and waited. I sat there and watched that light for about 8 minutes while cars whizzed past and realized that the sensor for the light must be set to detect the weight of a car instead of set on a timer. I gave up waiting and dismountes, running across along the walkway when there was a gap, and remounted on the sidewalk, then merged back into traffic.

The main road here is littered with potholes and increasingly bumpy, and going over a small uneven patch my new Bontager Flare taillight (picked up on clearance at the LBS!) flies off of the back rack light bracket and skitters across the road clip and all! I heard it and knew what it was instantly, so I pulled over and lay my bike down, then played Frogger to get it back (it still works!) I clipped it to my backpack, realized it is covered by my jacket tied around my waist, and proceed anyway because my sturdy cheapo lights on my seat stays are enough. I still kept reaching back to check and make sure it is still there as well.

Once I got off the roads and onto the trail it is super dark and I was the only one out on it, kinda spooky. My light does a good job (I got a Cygolite after seeing it praised here on the forums, can't say enough good things about it!) and I had no trouble seeing the trail but the trees and seclusion made me wary. However, I saw three bunnies and that made me happy!!! Not only were they adorable, but bunnies wouldn't hang around if there were serial killers or something, right? I got to a slightly damp/sandy place that looks like it floods and the tires kept wanting to skid. I shifted down and was fine after getting on dry gravel.

Back on familiar roads in my neighborhood, everyone gave me space and all is quiet. I saw another biker (a kid from around the block) on his way to the corner store with no lights and almost ran into him as he didn't stop at the stop sign. I said hello but did not lecture him on safety even though my motherly instinct was strong.

Got home tired and discouraged at my mistakes, but pleased that I made it. Even though beer gives me heartburn these days, I am having a lovely cold banana bread beer! Cheers, everyone :cheers:
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Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Really enjoyed that ride in.
No dickheads, still morning and air temperature just right for faster riding without getting sweaty. Legs felt strong, although hip still a bit sore from the off the other day. And a bonus was passing my first 1,000 miles of the year. I know there are others who would have passed it long since, but it is the earliest in the year I have crossed that barrier.
Had a chat with a dog walker who was upset that no cyclists aside from me thank her for holding her dogs to one side of the canal path. Cue a cyclist slowing and saying "thank you" as I set off.

Managed to mung my chain up though. New chain and chainset, hopefully that's all...
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