Two little irritating moments today.....
On the way to work down the railway Path, bloke cycling in front has his dog running alongside on a rope lead. I'm just thinking that it looked a bit unwise given the mix of dog and bikes.Everyone goes under a road bridge and then it's up a small incline when suddenly, dog squats for pee in middle of path and we all had to swerve around this guy....hmmmm.
Coming home tonight, I am turning right, waiting at the front of the T junction. Car on my left stops and bloke flashes me to say I can go out in front as he was turning right into the road I'm leaving. But first, we had both to wait for two cars coming in from right. As they went past, bloke in hatchback comes up behind first car and simply mounts narrow pavement to get around car. Since when has it become acceptable for some idiots like that to drive onto the pavement as if it's the road simply because they aren't patient enough to wait less than a minute?.
On a dual-carriageway this morning and a van carrying a pile of wooden fence panels overtakes me.
As he pulls in infront of me, the panel on the top of the pile catches the wind and flips up, flies in the air, just missing my head.
Did you report them? Carrying an unsecured load like that is a serious offence.On a dual-carriageway this morning and a van carrying a pile of wooden fence panels overtakes me.
As he pulls in infront of me, the panel on the top of the pile catches the wind and flips up, flies in the air, just missing my head.
No I didn't. I saw them pull over then One guy got out of the van and walked back to pick up the panel from the road, the other guy looked like he was trying to secure the load. They said oh sorry about that. I rode on.Did you report them? Carrying an unsecured load like that is a serious offence.
I pulled the bike out of the shed this morning, brought it around the side of the house, and started to fix lights and computer, only to notice the rear wheel was completely flat :-/. As I was already running late, I had to take the motorbike in this morning. And now I'm cold