Tales from today's commute....

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Velo, boulot, dodo
This morning I was sitting around drinking my tea and heard the sound of heavy rain. This- I thought- was not forecast. Checked Met Office, said fine, <5% chance of rain.

20 minutes later it was fine.

Loads of traffic this morning, motorway problems, everyone trying to go cross-country

Chain sounded terrible after soaking on Monday.


Heavy rain before I left this morning, but it had eased off in time. Only to turn to hail a mile down the road.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Wind coming from the West made certain stretches very pleasant and fast although the strong gusts could be difficult. Got caught on an open road in a hail/sleet/rain shower with the wind coming at me from the side, which was painful.
Looking like 14 - 17 mph westerly for the home commute, in which case I might bike-train-bike. I was knackered after the commute home yesterday after fighting the wind all the way. I'm up for a challenge, but this last month or so seems to have been particularly challenging.
What a ride, save 15 mins with the tail wind, it as so fast, I could hear Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin doing the commentary...

PL "I don’t believe it, its unbelievable, he has put the BSO on the big ring, the big ring, its unheard of!!!"

PS " That’s right Phil, he has got up, read the conditions and noticed the 40 mph gusting tailwind, he had read the conditions perfectly. Indurain loved the heat, Ulrich the cold, but Long knows how to ride the wind, he has thought to himself, this is my day, my day to attack!, to show them all he still has it."

PL "Team Oricha - Only Real Cyclists Ride Fixies and Team Biachi - Dog in a basket just look shocked, they can’t believe the audacity of this man, he has attacked on the Col Du Windmill, 200 feet at 4% gradient. Its so straight, there is no respite from it, only the tough ones come to the front here!, and he's attacked them."

PS "That’s right Phil, he has reads the conditions better than anyone, and he is showing them just what he is made of."

PL "The chasers will be hoping for a mistake on the technical run into the City of Cambridge. This chap has 13 sets of lights to negotiate"

PS "That’s right Phil, but he is only one of a handful of riders out there today capable of doing that, he knows the difference between red, amber and green and he will use that to his advantage , I am sure"

PS "At this rate Phil, he will have time to warm his Weetabix"


What a ride, save 15 mins with the tail wind, it as so fast, I could hear Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin doing the commentary...

PL "I don’t believe it, its unbelievable, he has put the BSO on the big ring, the big ring, its unheard of!!!"

PS " That’s right Phil, he has got up, read the conditions and noticed the 40 mph gusting tailwind, he had read the conditions perfectly. Indurain loved the heat, Ulrich the cold, but Long knows how to ride the wind, he has thought to himself, this is my day, my day to attack!, to show them all he still has it."

PL "Team Oricha - Only Real Cyclists Ride Fixies and Team Biachi - Dog in a basket just look shocked, they can’t believe the audacity of this man, he has attacked on the Col Du Windmill, 200 feet at 4% gradient. Its so straight, there is no respite from it, only the tough ones come to the front here!, and he's attacked them."

PS "That’s right Phil, he has reads the conditions better than anyone, and he is showing them just what he is made of."

PL "The chasers will be hoping for a mistake on the technical run into the City of Cambridge. This chap has 13 sets of lights to negotiate"

PS "That’s right Phil, but he is only one of a handful of riders out there today capable of doing that, he knows the difference between red, amber and green and he will use that to his advantage , I am sure"

PS "At this rate Phil, he will have time to warm his Weetabix"

No such luck here, bloody cold headwind all the way. There was ice in the cycle path anyway, so no chance of going fast. Went past a couple of riders that were pushing their bikes. I have knoblies on, so I proceeded gingerly and managed to stay upright, lets see what the evening brings.


Senior Member
I seemed to encounter and incredible number of U turners this morning. They must be new commuters. If you are driving anywhere near Leatherhead, Epsom, Ewell, Ashtead, Cheam you're going to be in a massive queue, get used to it, don't spread your car across my path so I have to stop!

It strange how it's now less busy closer in to London in places like, Tooting, Balham. Clapham, Brixton

You know what I completely agree with that. Recently changed projects at work from van/bike commuting to central London to pootling around in the van/bike on my doorstep between Ewell East to Mitcham Eastfields area. Traffic and standards of driving are way worse in outer London during rush hour. I shouldn’t be surprised living in Croydon.


Über Member
It was windy yesterday but having seen the forecast and having been woken up a lot during the night today is going to be a whole lot worse.

Good luck to everyone on their commutes and stay safe.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Not the best commute of my career last night/this morning (night shift) :sad:

On the way in to work last night I witnessed the aftermath of a cyclist getting knocked down which is never a thing to lift your spirits! I don't know what happened but two cars were stopped and someone was lay on the road in front of the 1st car with a mountain bike in the road next to them. People were out of the vehicles attending to the fallen cyclist and there were a couple of teenagers, also on bikes, in the growing group of people and bystanders. I suspect the rider on the ground was one of the teenagers, couldn't see any lights on any of the bikes.....

On the way home this morning I was on the receiving end of two left hook attempts :cursing: Both times I spotted what was happening in time to avoid any coming together but both incidents would have had me off if I had been oblivious. I may have swore a bit!!!!!

Caught up with another cyclist weaving his way slowly along the fast main road between towns with no lights on and all in dark clothes. This was not far from the previous nights incident. I know it shouldn't need lights to stop drivers fro crashing into someone in the road but some of these clowns really don't do themselves any favours.

On a lighter note, I stayed dry during the trips in each direction :okay:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Tail wind for 90%, one of those that when you are in perfect alignment its silent. I now know what an electric bike must be like cause it was so strong I saved 16 minutes on my normal journey time for the BSO.

Not only that, but fish and chips for dinner tonight!

Makes a nice change to hear that you had a good ride in Kev.

I was very windy down 'ere this morning, mainly side winds with a couple of headwind for good measure. But should make for a good commute tonight.
At least all the over night winds have dried the roads and it's a lovely sunny morning. cold though.


I hate this weather; salt, grit and grime all over the roads and i'm having to detail clean the bike most nights. Plus my kit is just minging.
Makes a nice change to hear that you had a good ride in Kev.

I was very windy down 'ere this morning, mainly side winds with a couple of headwind for good measure. But should make for a good commute tonight.
At least all the over night winds have dried the roads and it's a lovely sunny morning. cold though.

Thanks mate!

For once I was living the dream!!!
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