Tales from today's commute....

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
You were saying:

Road traffic act
“It is offence to ride a cycle on road or other public place when unfit through drinks that is to say is under influence of drink to such extent as to be incapable of having proper control of cycle”

Highway Code:
“Cyclists must not ride under influence of alcohol”

You said it's illegal to drink before you cycle. You are wrong.


Senior Member
You said it's illegal to drink before you cycle. You are wrong.

The Highway Code states: Must not ride under influence of alcohol therefore you shouldn’t be cycling whilst drinking


Senior Member
Update got back from lunch today to find chap and his wife waiting for me in the shop where i work.

Apparently he has been so upset he hasnt slept since it happened. He was hoping i would pop into to his house to say i was okay.

Bless him he said he would take me the wife out for a meal to say sorry! I said dont worry i'm fine now you dont need to do that..

Sorry to hear about that hope your alright.
Was the dog off lead if so dogs can’t help it but it’s the owners responsibility to keep their dogs under control, like I rember I was going downhill and this cat was in the middle of a road and just sat there grooming luckily there were no cars coming so I managed to get out of the cats way weird thing is after I passed that cat he got up and went to the pavement. Also there was i time when I was going downhill on a park shortcut and a dog ran into me causing me to slam brake on luckily nothing happend as I managed to stop on time.
Ps out of interest if your cycling and if you ever did hit an animal would you have to report it to police like when a car driver hits a animal you have to.?
Sorry to hear about that hope your alright.
Was the dog off lead if so dogs can’t help it but it’s the owners responsibility to keep their dogs under control, like I rember I was going downhill and this cat was in the middle of a road and just sat there grooming luckily there were no cars coming so I managed to get out of the cats way weird thing is after I passed that cat he got up and went to the pavement. Also there was i time when I was going downhill on a park shortcut and a dog ran into me causing me to slam brake on luckily nothing happend as I managed to stop on time.
Ps out of interest if your cycling and if you ever did hit an animal would you have to report it to police like when a car driver hits a animal you have to.?

Dog was on a lead but he claims it pulled him into road. I think it just crossed the road he followed it.... Didnt hit the dog managed to stop in time with the aid of the tarmac coming up to meet me. No witness. So would be hard to prove


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Blimey that was a cold and wet one this morning. The weather forecast wasn't what expected that's fer sure, lying buggers.

Anyway, me and the Brompton are sort of coming to an understanding. It does what I tell it to do, when to do it and how to do it and we seem to get on fine. The gears are still giving me grief so will have to look for a solution to that.

Had a Bulgarian registered HGV sit on my tail for a mile or so this morning. No high revving, no trying to get past, just sitting patiently behind until it was safe to over take. He got a wave of thanks and I got some lights in reply. So thank you kindly Mr Bulgarian driver. I hope you have a good day. Cheers.


Yesterday morning I watched a parked car from a distance of 20ft. The drive started to edge the door open but only a crack, I hesitated and moved slightly out of the way thinking the driver might throw the door out without much notice. Sure enough I got within a couple of feet and the door swings wide open, thankfully my reactions were decent and there was only mild swears from me.

Encountered the same driver this morning parked with reverse lights on. Decided to give the driver a wider berth and sure enough my 6th sense paid dividends; within a couple of feet (with the car wing-mirrors locked inwards) the wheels start to turn outward and the car makes a start forward into the road. Mild swears again. To her credit she gave me a wide berth on the way past down the road but when i caught up with her at the traffic lights i made my dissatisfaction known. Seemed to be a reasonably pleasant chat about mirrors and signalling. Ignorance is bliss it seems...

Update: Taxi driver complaint has resulted in a meeting with the licensing board so i can present the footage and argue my case about the driver shouting, beeping and driving aggressively. More as it happens.


Blimey that was a cold and wet one this morning. The weather forecast wasn't what expected that's fer sure, lying buggers.

Anyway, me and the Brompton are sort of coming to an understanding. It does what I tell it to do, when to do it and how to do it and we seem to get on fine. The gears are still giving me grief so will have to look for a solution to that.

Had a Bulgarian registered HGV sit on my tail for a mile or so this morning. No high revving, no trying to get past, just sitting patiently behind until it was safe to over take. He got a wave of thanks and I got some lights in reply. So thank you kindly Mr Bulgarian driver. I hope you have a good day. Cheers.

I have found that Accuweather actually shows you it's going to piss down, where as the BBC don't, so this morning i was fully prepared for another wet ride in ;-)


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I have found that Accuweather actually shows you it's going to piss down, where as the BBC don't, so this morning i was fully prepared for another wet ride in ;-)

I find the most reliable is yr.no
Not this time


Wasn't as cold here this morning as it's been, but there was frost on the car windscreens, so cold enough to catch out the unwary. Quite a slow careful ride in especially on the bends and once again I had to get off and walk the last couple of hundred yards as no gritters come anywhere near my work, apparently. :angry:
Warm commute with little event until I pulled up to my drive, knocked down a gear or two and the chain came off between large sprocket and rear wheel.....the wheel is pringled due to the bent spokes so down to zero bikes :sad:

Luckily, I worked out what was happening so avoided coming off.

Really need my new build back from the shop now!!
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