Tales from today's commute....

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N Ireland
Looked out the window and made a last minute choice to take my rainjacket incase of a bit of road spray. A mile or so down the road and the skies opened and continued for the next 20 minutes at least. So much for just clouds in the forecast! It all worked out though as I encountered unusually heavy traffic about 5 miles from work and was able to splash past.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
I've had a series of extremely close passes on the last few commutes. More in one week than through all of winter. One was particularly terrifying involving a large van and trailer. I've also been told by a black BMW driver (who else?) that he'll run me over 'next time', presumably because I slowed him down from about 50 in a 20mph zone for a millisecond racing to his next drugs deal.
Sometimes these things do happen in clusters so hopefully it will calm down again. About to head to the office now in fact and unusually for me I'm not relishing the ride at all. My commute is into central Cambridge, supposedly one of the most cycle friendly places in this wretched country - so I really feel for you lot commuting in less 'friendly' areas.
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Active Member
Hi All,

I was listening to Velonews in the car on the way in this morning. They talked about a website called https://closecalldatabase.com/ it's a database for logging near miss incidents in your area. I think it needs more UK input, and due to the numpty count on this page, it could prove to be useful for us all.

Had my scary moment of the month, on my ride home from work, circa 22:15
I was descending 'Stanley Hill' (ie; Aberford Road/A642, from Pinderfields General Hospital, towards Stanley)

Catching a car up, at about 35MPH
When we get to just the far side of the garage, where there's been road-works & temporary traffic-lights, I realise at the very last second that there's what appear the big steel plates covering the holes:eek:

Roughly, at the point on the road where the tree is, in the picture; http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/759967

Feeling both tyres momentarily sliding sideways on them, knowing that the road is also greasy was not nice, so they'd probably keep sliding.
Neither was the sight of the truck in the opposite lane..................
Made it home, albeit with shaking hands (&, thankfully, intact skin)

I'd like to think it was an amalgamation of luck, decent tyres, & the years I spent racing Cyclo-Cross (so used to slippery surfaces)

I might run to/home from work tomorrow^_^
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Tom B

1. Had a close pass from one of those arm chair on wheels motorbikes.

2. Found myself in the midst of the immediate aftermath of an armed robbery.

3. Fell on my arse on the metrolink tramlines in front of a load of people near to exchange square / hanging ditch. Was then criticised by a tramp!

What is the new layout on Oxford Road, Manchester all about?

Rarely dull in Manchester land.
Yesterday a guy got doored by a white van man just in front of me. :eek:
Yesterday also I did a stupid and left the bag that I put my lights/Garmin/etc into when locking up my bike actually sitting on top of the saddle all day and miraculously it was all still there when I came out last night.

Today -- the sun shone, the birds sang, @wanda2010 caught me up on CS7 and we had a nice natter up to Elephant & Castle where our ways part. A woman stepped off a kerb in Mark Lane nearly into me -- a whisker's breath from collision. And I remembered to take all the crap from off my bike into the office with me.


N Ireland
Encountered these fellas on the way home last night who then told me their horse can do 30mph and that I should 'clock them'. They whipped the horse and took off, periodically turning round to shout 'What at we at now?'



@velovoice - It was lovely to see you. That woman on the too-large bike I told you about? I saw her at Borough station. She rides a dark-green Condor, with little seatpost on view. She is so stretched out, I'd be surprised if she could turn her head or signal. Oh well.

See you another time :hello:


Über Member
This morning commute was an annoying one.

On a single track road I had a car come up behind me and so when it was possible I pulled over into a farm track at the side of the road to let the car past. The driver didn't say thanks which was the first thing that annoyed me. Then I immediately noticed a flint embedded in my tyre accompanied by the whistling sound of air evacuating my inner tube as quickly as possible.

Still at least it was dry, light and it's not that cold anymore.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
More harassment / bullying by a motorist on my ride to work just now. It was my usual pre-dawn commute, with next to no road traffic, and as the motorist overtook me he leaned on his horn button. It was physically impossible then and there for me to delay him even for a split second, so I can only assume he hates cyclists.

Some days I really wish a motorist like him would just drive straight at me and finish the job, so I wouldn't have to put up with any more of the daily hate.
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