Classic, "sorry mate I didn't bother looking" this morning.
On a twisty bit of road coming up to a side road on my left, I could see a car edging forward wanting to turn right, could clearly see the driving looking to their left, they never once bothered to look right.
Three possibilities:
1) There going to just pull out without a thought to what might be coming from their right,
2) Look right at the last moment and slam the brakes on,
3) Look right at the last moment, panic and press the accelerator instead of the brake.
My money was on number 1, so scrubbed some more speed, a blast from the Airzound to get them to stop and look, then a stare from me as I went past with them in a state of shock at what might have happened because of their poor observation.
It was obvious it did not matter that I was on a bike, nice and visible, if they don't look they don't see, even in a car or a lorry they would have pulled out without looking right.