Well a ride full of different emotions this morning. Riding out of the village past the old peoples sheltered housing, 2 paramadics cars were parked with 2 crying women consoling each other at the roadside, brought my spirits down a bit. My spirits were brought up again by a large tipper truck following me through Hornchurch and Rainham for nearly a mile ( kept wantng the guy to go past he was worrying me a bit) then pulled up at a set of lights next to me wound down his window and complimented me on my riding, gave me a huge grin and a thumbs up.
Then caught up with a guy I have dubbed Mr Miserable in Barking ( He is a fast rider but always pootles around 15 mph then if anyone goes past he latches onto them then goes past later and usually zooms off, he is fast but bloody miserable never talks or smiles etc) He did his normal let me go past then a mile later went past. However this morning I got some good advantages at 2 crossings by taking the road whilst he stayed on the cyleway and I topped the Canning Town flyover with him not even in sight, which makes a nice change,( he usually times his attack to beat me up it) cheered me up no end.