Every Wednesday I have to pick my daughter up from school so every Wednesday I am reminded of why I commute by bike:
Four days a week: 7: Leave house
7.50-8: Arrive Croydon
8.15: Showered and sitting at desk with coffee
Wednesdays: Leave house at 7;
7.15-7.25: Stand on platform for 5-10 minutes hoping that the train isn't late. Sit next to woman with elbows out as she does her makeup or a bloke who legs cannot possibly be able to spread that far surely and have his shoulders grown?
7.35-7.40: Check watch to see whether I should jump out at Wimbledon and get tram or risk the change at Clapham Junction. Bloke is now doing splits and is accompanied by someone who hits me round the back of the head with a rucksack.
7.55: Clapham Junction. Give up trying to be polite and force my way off the train and pass the idiots on the platform who don't realise that people do actually need to leave the train. Leap up the stairs, dodging ditherers and standees. Down the next platform steps, glaring at those coming up who don;t seem to realise that some people actually need to get onto platform.
7.58: Get train/ 7.59: Miss train and wait 12 minutes for next one
8.15: Still waiting for a spare platform for the dedicated London Victoria-East Croydon train.
8.20: Arrive at East Croydon
8.30: Arrive at office
8.35: Sitting at desk with coffee.
If raining -
Four days a week: Arrive at desk in nice dry clothes
Wednesdays: Sit in wet trousers, hoping they'll be dry soon.
At that ladies and gentlemen is why I commute!