Great commute weather wise this morning, wasn't that windy and hardly rained.
However, in the pitch black the O ring on the front light decided to snap, leaving me with a dangling front light, so had to stop and bodge a repair. The repair was basically jamming it between the Satmap and the handlebars, this was fine until I hit any bumpy sections. Once it started getting lighter I stopped, took the front light completely off and slapped on the emergency torch I carry with me. Yep the torch lasted half a mile or so and the batteries were flat, so rode 3 or 4 miles without a front light, by this time it was daylight but dull.
Then to top it all the back of the Satmap gave way which sent it bouncing along the road, luckily I had it in a rubber boot so apart from the broken back it is fine.
Got to work, changed the batteries in the emergency torch, fitted the front light back on with elastic bands and cable ties, scrounged a new back for the Satmap.
The really annoying thing is I have a bracket for the front light which removes the need for the rubber rings, I'll be fitting that when I get home.