Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
crikey, unpredictable blustery wind this morning. Some times its helping so you click up a few gears, then it changes its mind and suddenly your grinding away and have to drop back down again. Last cycle commute of the year, tomorrow is half day at work basically for tea, biscuits, cake and a raffle so I think inappropriate silly sports car will be deployed


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Riding home last Friday, I found a Jaguar X-type doing a 3-point turn on a quiet residential street and I stopped whilst he did so. A Porsche coming the other way pushed past with a beep. The Jag then reversed his car into a parked Volvo 4WD before parking up.

As the driver was just sat in the car I went over & told him he had hit the Volvo. He feigned unawareness.

He got out & inspected the huge dent in his nearside wing and the scratch on the paint and broken plastic on the Volvo, and swore.

He did not know who the Volvo belonged to, and I suggested we knock on some doors to find out who owned the Volvo. He told me not to bother and went into one of the neighbouring properties.

Something seemed wrong. I stayed around & took his registration number. He came out of the house with 2 elderly folks, bundled them into his car & drove off !

I started door knocking and got hold of the Volvo owner who was visiting her parents. Her Dad seemed to know who the Jag driver was but they were thankful for my assistance and I left contact details in case I am needed as a witness.

Perhaps the people the Jag driver picked up knew whose car it was, or perhaps he just thought he would drive off and get away with it. I may never know...

I've had a call from the Police to give a written statement about this incident. I guess the Jag driver is trying to dodge a charge of leaving the scene of an accident !

Deleted member 1258

Last commute of 2014 today, lovely ride in, dry with a strong tail wind, not so nice riding home, a grovel into the wind but at least the rain held off.


Über Member
It was my last commute too today. I left a little early and cycled home in daylight for once, or what was left of the daylight. Indicators were tonight's issue, or rather, drivers not knowing how to use indicators. I had to stop twice when I didn't need to because drivers either don't use their indicators or used them too late.


Senior Member
Nearly flattened by an oncoming police car deciding to fly down the outside of a queue of traffic. Luckily he saw me as I'd only managed to half mount the curb!!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Very close pass from an Arriva bus ( YJ08 EES ) - I beat the bus to the local bus station and reported the driver to his supervisor.

Otherwise a quiet commute on the GT Timberline MTB. It's fairly slow but gets there, a bit like me really.

Black Country Ste

Senior Member
West Midlands
A searing headache, a punishment pass in between pinch points for taking the lane and another tailgater for not riding in potholes. Last commute of the year; I'm in the car tomorrow with things to carry. Then I'm doing a 25-mile shopping trip by bike.


Just call me Chris...
Left early this morning (couldn't sleep) so the roads were nice and quiet. Strong headwind again, and loaded with rain, but after the fun I had with it on the way home last night I'll forgive it that :biggrin:


Senior Member
This is how I tell what the commute has got in store wind wise. Although you can't see them clearly in pic. I just see which way the seagulls are gliding. Thats facing due west. And it's a crosswind hammering from that direction. Hallelujah it's not in my face today. Merry Christmas to me! :laugh:



Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Suffered from sticky mattress syndrome this morning and didn't rise until 06:20. That put the 26 miler out of the question so opted for a quick 15. Gave a tow to a guy this morning, I was expecting him to come past at some point as he looked a bit of a racer, pity he didn't we could of had some fun! Have just one more commute after today so I'll make the most of that. Really enjoyed my riding this year, next year should be equally enjoyable. Merry Christmas fellow commuter's!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Damn, you lucky commuters. No more commutes for me this week. Back on the bike next Monday and Tuesday. Just love these empty London roads.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Got out at 7.40 this morning for an extended ride of 15 miles heading north through Tytherington towards Milbury Heath then back down the A38.

Dark clouds were scudding eastwards with clear skies taking over as day broke.

The lanes were wet and muddy, and brakes got dirty quickly so babywipes will be employed when I get home, but it was a refreshing and enjoyable rural cycle. Have missed riding the past 2 days due to family illness. Half day today so I might be able to fit 10 miles in on the way home as well.


Cycling in the sun
Got out at 7.40 this morning for an extended ride of 15 miles heading north through Tytherington towards Milbury Heath then back down the A38.

Dark clouds were scudding eastwards with clear skies taking over as day broke.

The lanes were wet and muddy, and brakes got dirty quickly so babywipes will be employed when I get home, but it was a refreshing and enjoyable rural cycle. Have missed riding the past 2 days due to family illness. Half day today so I might be able to fit 10 miles in on the way home as well.
That's where the garden centre where I got my Christmas tree from is! (Not by bike!!!)
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