Yesterday was the self-imposed deadline for getting the store sorted, which I have to admit, got me moving a bit faster than my usual "Never mind we can do it tomorrow" type of speed. As a reminder this is how the store looked before, despite my best efforts:
Even this was after I'd got rid of some of the most dangerous/useless items.
With the H&S inspection looming I had another opportunity to clear out more rubbish. I started on the strange construction in the corner including the Shelf of Evil, launching point for cycle components to attack unsuspecting bike mechanics:
The area below the Shelf of Evil was a safe haven for many unmatched and broken pedals, chain wheels, and a mudguard colony that self-identified as a kraken.
This took a day of sorting out broken parts and the discover, amongst other things of a box full of assorted wheel rim tapes and basket attachments...
However, eventually I found the floor...
And replaced the odd bins with a pair of tables borrowed from another part of the store:
Meanwhile the wheel breeding colony had long been developing territorial ambitions:
Thanks to my current client who patiently helped dismantle and remove the remaining wheels therein, I was able to replace those very dodgy hanging rails and finally get the colony under control:
The 'handlebar rack" came about after I tidied the rack by the entrance and realised it was held up by two screws, a cable tie, and presumably, skyhooks, so a replacement had to be built, and fast.
On top of this my very accommodating client helped dismantle the rest of the Shelf of Evil and then removed the very strange contraption for storing seat posts, so I was -just- able to finish tidying up the opposite corner by the end of the working day yesterday:
This isn't the end, merely a step to make sure the store room passes the H&S inspection. The next step will be to take some donated kitchen units and place them around the room, with the wheels hanging above from brackets on the wall, as H&S are understandably touchy about my original plan to hang them off the ceiling.
You'll also notice I've not added pictures of the workshop itself; this is because it spent the week being a dumping ground/tool store for what we were doing here and looks like a pigsty whose occupier lost interest. Once it is vaguely presentable I'll show the changes we've put in there...