England : London Sunday London ride

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Legendary Member
home. An Odyssey. Never in the field of human cycling has one puncture meant so much to so many.

Can we have the breakdown of what went on after we left you?
Nice ride all. Particularly liked the route out of London to the Park, some great back streets that were nice and quiet. Sorry to hear about the pinch puncture and the crank issue. Martin and I got the first ferry and I made it home by 1pm on the dot.

38 miles for me really great route and good views of the park.

Where to next week then?
Can we have the breakdown of what went on after we left you?

What a gallant group! I would never have thought that (albeit four) holes in an inner tube would cause such a combined effort to fix it - all people, all tool kits and very restrained "what do you mean you dont have any spare tubes?" comments (FYI they are being purchased tomorrow by the bucket load -along with replacement Co2 for Ian whose stocks must be completely depleted) and a really fabulous attempt with the puncture repair kit to put reflate the tyre. Unfortunately the inner tube was not playing ball and after Dellzeqq and Topcat1 took a trip to the nearest Cycle Warehouse whilst I sat on the roundabout at the south side of the Woolwich Ferry it was not possible to find the specified tube. So me and the Raptobike (R and R!?) took an unexpected route home - in a people carrier!! Definitely an adventure. Big thank you to all of you. The Olympic site is looking really good, rock on 2012! So pleased we went to see it. R


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Another great Cycle Chat Bromley Massive Ride. (As they usually all are
) Clive was on time at the DT.. would you believe it? I was so surprised that I had to ask if he had Shat his bed?

A very pleasant surprise to see a good few faces at HPC. Martin235, Mistral, Becs, Chris, Delzeqq, ZimZum & Raptochick. Another 5 minutes and we were graced with the serene presence of Topcat1. So with myself and Mista Preston, a healthy contingent of 10 riders for today. Nothing like glorious weather to bring people out for a ride.

So where to go? I was up for going to see how the build of the Olympic Stadium and site was progressing. And so it was to be. After the usual stop for the light relief-ers in Hyde Park, it was decided that we would take the back routes to East London rather then the busy fast route. Thanks to ZimZum who was Mr Navigator to the park we did indeed have a very nice pootle through nice and quiet back streets, (albeit a couple of us nearly getting wiped out by a non lights, non sirens, Panda car who was going to rlj but saw us just in time. tsk tsk Coppers. OI! What The Hell You Doin'? P-O-L-I-C-E!!

In a surprising short time we where at the Olympic Park. A little confusion ensued as to actually getting onto the viewing path and viewing area called "View Tube" But we found it finally.

The Stadium is looking very good. It is far better looking then many of the identikit stadiums that are being built these days. A heck of a lot of work still to do though. The Swimming Pool Building looked well on the way to completion also.

At the "View Tube" they had built a Cafe. So it was Coffee's, Teas and lashings of Ginger Beer all round.
Some jolly pics were taken of which will no doubt be posted later.

Pumpkin time was fast approaching so it was time to push off. Mistral headed West along the Greenway Cycle Route whilst the rest of us took off East towards Woolwich. Not sure which way Chris went as didn't get a chance to say goodbye but thanks for coming along anyway. So after nice pootle along the Greenway. We got to the Ferry when I had a call from Dave to say there was a puncture. Mista Preston was starting to turn Orange so he took the first ferry along with Maretin. I scooted back to find Raptochick's Bent was the the recipient of said air loss-age. 4 holes in one tube.. that pot hole did some damage. A gallant effort was made to try and fix the one and only 20" tube but to no avail. The Bent had to be walked on to the Ferry.

So Raptochick, Dellzeqq and Topcat took the ferry to try find 20" innertube salvation, which looking at the above post, never came.
Myself, Becs and ZimZum hit the A13 back into London Taaahn... Hitting Bishopgate I said Cherrio to Becs and ZimZum who headed to Kings Cross whilst I turned left down to and over London Bridge back to Sarf of the River and home.

62 miles for the day, with a little sunburn for good measure.
Cheers all.


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Hello there
today my ride started and ended in london, but was not in london for long. 12 miles out to sevenoaks, stood in a queue of 1000 riders waiting to be unleashed, then 80 miles and 4 hours 2 minutes ("gold time") later back to the start in sevenoaks for a sit down and a breather (having raced a guy from de ver cycles up the final climb of one tree hill, and jubilantly celebrating for the photographer with two hands aloft). having recovered for a bit it was time for the last 12 miles back to home, at a more leisurely pace than the previous 80. after the induction and racing at herne hill yesterday my legs had felt fairly wrecked from the outset and it took a good deal of MTFU to keep me from doing the 50 mile version rather than the 80 miler, and holy carp do my legs ache now!


Well-Known Member
ianrauk : I went east with Mistral.

Mista Preston: Yep not long after we left. bike shop managed to fix it. Tell I get it replaced at least.
some pics stadium, cafe and the group.



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Well done Andy!
Sounds like a good ride to miss for some reasons - epic by others... I have just finished being very good for others again...I did intend setting out for HPC just to say hello, but a broken cleat mount in my Sunday Best BGComp carbons (5 months old :headshake:) put paid to that...both pairs ko'd now. Araldite is my friend with the old pair - the new ones are going back!

Saving grace about the punctures is that they didn't happen at night, solo, or at excessive speed.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
ianrauk : I went east with Mistral.

Mista Preston: Yep not long after we left. bike shop managed to fix it. Tell I get it replaced at least.
some pics stadium, cafe and the group.

Nice Pics Chris.
Once again, thanks for joining us and see you again soon.

Good thing your crank didn't fall off when you where track-standing.


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Little bit gutted to have missed this ride. Partly because I do like a pootle that generates a good narrative, and partly because I invariably carry a 20" tube on the Panzerfiets.

Actually, what am I saying? It was sunny today. I'd have had a choice of 24"ers, but nothing in your size ma'am.
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