Specialized...you may want to rethink this one

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[QUOTE 2811570, member: 45"]Just ordered a T - shirt. ;-)


Totally OT - I was once stopped by a Policeman and ssked to remove my TShirt because it was illegal!

Now this shows my age!



Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Surely you cant trademark a word already in general use? A quick google of the word produced a number of places & organisations using the word in their names etc. Pity because I ride their bikes although I havent bought anything lately, dont think I will now either cant stand corporate money grabbers.

Name a large cycle manufacturer that isn't a corporate money grabber. They don't exist to make bikes. They exist to make money. The bikes are a means to an end.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I might add that the Schwinns are still making bicycles under the name Waterford. Rivendell Bicycles is also still making bicycles.
Schwinn, GT, Cannondale, Caloi, Iron Horse, Mongoose, Sugoi names are all owned by Dorel Industries, a Canadian group who then hires out manufacture in Asia .
Some have a business model that stresses quality and integrity of product. Others function as warehouses for goods made and bought elsewhere. Both have a valid business model. But you, as the customer, should support the business model you believe in.
Heartening to see the massive backlash on social media against Specialized, if that dont ruin their monday morning then they are indeed heartless and soulless, maybe there will be a compromise rethink to try and limit the damage. My winter hack is a Spesh, and I was embarrassed riding it yesterday, so today I shall duct tape over the name. I personally know two people who have now cancelled the purchase of Spesh bikes from their LBS, which hopefully in turn will filter down to the company.


Legendary Member

We have six Specialized bikes in our stable.....


The Borough
Cycle-Surgery stick Secialized bikes on sale

Fellini's estate has been served a writ for double infringement; they need to pay Specialized royalties on all future sales of La Dolce Vita

Construction firms are no longer allowed to use Tarmac to pave roads

Carve magazine, the UK surfing missive are set to be renamed and indeed Harvester pubs have had to pull their Carvery in the New Year having reached an agreement with Specialized to brand their christmas turkeys with the bike maker's logo

And finally some good news for Holland's got talent child star Amira Willighagen who has been taken on as brand ambassador for the Amira bike range as Specialized realized it would be wize to prize her success and leverage an earnings opportunity in her cycle mad country.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
ACP, that's an expensive top you've ruined for a principle no-one, except a few on here, will appreciate for more than a few seconds... you could've just dyed it black. Ah well.
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