Social Media Posts Inciting Hate Toward Cyclists

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I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
This shoot has a name: rage bait.

Laying the Rage Bait: Journalism on Social Media –

Thanks for posting this - good to see the agenda laid out so clearly.

Again, lovely that we live in a world where profiteering scumbags thrive off generating conflict, division and offense :sad:


Eventually, it would. facebook makes money primarily by showing adverts. If everyone ignored it, they'd sell no ads and have no income.

Facebook or no Facebook, drivers are going to blow a gasket when they're held up behind bikes until they get to see what it's like on a bike.


Senior Member
The right-wing news outlets (Daily Mail owned London Evening Standard) are at it again - presumably in response to the recent Government announcement about Active Travel.

This time, it's the b$ around 20 mph speed limits. And more 'war on motorists' nonsense is being pedalled by the Daily Mail itself.
I expect we are going to another uptick in the propaganda that those lacking the ability to think critically will no doubt lap up.

No doubt we will, as a result, see yet more anti-cycling b$ from the usual places.


Grand Old Lady
I really don't think people who have a poor attitude to cycling are ever going to change. We are a very motoring centric country from birth but at times very selfish too. We want to get in the cars and drive them like they do in the adverts. Fast and free of all traffic. I'm amazed that people still fall for it.


Senior Member
A good enough reason not to bother signing up to Facebook.
It's the real world consequences that are the concern.


Cynical idealist
Photo Winner
So many countries have proved time and time again that less cars in cities and decent public transport, walking and cycling works. It doesn't harm businesses, the opposite in many cases but we stubbornly stick to car good everything else rubbish. This is despite all the proven positive outcomes from health to economy. Really sad and rather dumb.


Legendary Member
If people go on social media and stir up hatred towards other minority groups they risk getting charged, or at a minimum, banned from posting but cyclists always seem fair game and absolutely nothing happens.

I'm a gender fluid Jewish cyclist with tyrannosaurus DNA and the Burkina Faso flag tattooed on my left testicle.

Any hate speech about me as a cyclist on social media and I'll insist the police drop any murder or terrorism investigations they have going and immediately nip round the offenders house to slap them around a bit.
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South Wales
If people go on social media and stir up hatred towards other minority groups they risk getting charged, or at a minimum, banned from posting but cyclists always seem fair game and absolutely nothing happens.

Unfortunately (from that POV), the hate speech laws specify only the "usual" grounds as applying. So things like race, sex, religion. Not "being a cyclist".
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