Social Media Posts Inciting Hate Toward Cyclists

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South Wales
Ironically, there is no bike path in the picture.

Which is a little surprising, given it is a very obvious fake "photo", you'd have thought they might add one in.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Or by blocking it.

I still think making motorists get some cycling experience is the best way to tackle this, it's the attitude that's the problem, not the online posts.

In principal I agree, however in practice this is just one small reminder of how irredeemably flawed, hateful, irrational and hypocritical many people are.

It's a miserable reflection of the human condition and while I'm all for trying to improve the situation, realistically that's going to be about as viable as pushing water uphill with a fork.

People are scummy at the best of times and we live in an era where every institution has a vested interest in causing subserviance, distraction, division and hatred.

I'm resigned to the position that all I can do is try to be as respectful towards those I encounter as possible, while trying to fortify myself mentally and physically to deal with these knuckle-dragging dickheads as best as possible when I encounter them.
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Senior Member
Same here. The response was very quick so I suspect it was automated. I’ve asked for a review which seems to be taking a lot longer so I’m hopeful it is actually going to be a human looking at it.

I am hoping that if enough people report it, then the algorithm will soon trip over into 'there must be something wrong with this; lets at least hide the post until a human can review it'

It won't go away just by ignoring it.

And that is why I posted it. And started the prior thread which digressed and got locked.
There's plenty of media outlets who for one reason or another, are producing content which de-humanises and villifies cyclists. I don't think we can afford not to counter that - by both flagging posts and ensuring alternate messages are conveyed which paint cycling and cyclists in a more positive light.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Actually it’s the British condition. Just back from Ireland west coast and couldn’t have seen better behaved and respectful drivers if I’d asked.

I can believe that.. it seems to be a national passtime over here to shoot on anyone and everyone to make your fragile, unfulfilled ego feel superior; especially when you can further denigrate those who are apparently already worse off.

The adige is that we "love the underdog" when in reality it seems more appropriate to suggest that "we love putting the boot into the underdog"..


South Wales
Actually it’s the British condition. Just back from Ireland west coast and couldn’t have seen better behaved and respectful drivers if I’d asked.

I'm not even sure it applies to all of Britain.

In the area I live (Vale of Glamorgan), issues with motorists are actually pretty rare - but there are a lot of cyclists round here, so we are expected by the motorists, and it is one of the more affluent areas of Wales, so fewer of the "thug" types around.
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