So who’s the best band?

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
No-one has said Queen yet.


back and brave
I think I stopped actively seeking out new music maybe a decade ago. That's not to say I don't listen to it on the radio, I don't listen exclusively to 'old fart' music channels! I'm just not as active as I once was.

These days, I like to discover stuff I've missed out on due to my past earnest desire to stay 'finger on the pulse' That does, ironically, lead to me listening to what you might call old fart music sometimes but not singularly so, and certainly not headline acts, more the influencers of headline acts - if I can put it like that.

For example, I was reading about The Charlatans yesterday, and they cited a range of influences. I would follow up on those influences these days. Or, I liked a description of them sounding like "the Spencer Davis Group on acid", so that might make me want to listen to them.
TBF the 2000s were a horrendous decade for what you might call conventional guitar music. But since I guess the 80s with technology improving and getting cheaper, music production has become more democratised and whole new genres are appearing all the time. I do wonder if now that recording, sampling and synthesising has become so cheap and easy that we're missing out on the innovation which comes from exploring the limitations of what's possible with the equipment at your disposal but I guess we'll see.
That certainly could be true - many of favourite acts were doing new/weird/clever sh .. stuff. Now we rave about anyone using the latest software to mashup/sample stuff written last month with something from 1965; takes them 20minutes to record/publish a 3min song.

BUT: the cheap technology - both to create AND publish - probably means a dilution of the audience. There is now TOO MUCH music to listen to it all!

Perhaps there can NEVER be another story like The Beatles? Maybe Radiohead should have been bigger, or Daft Punk, PJ Harvey, Cheeky Girls ... whoever. Just a theory ...
We need to approach this scientifically to obtain an objective result. We cannot limit ourselves to hard rock bands so we need The Best Band in each category.
Heavy Metal

Then we compare the winning band in each category using suitable parameters:
Length of Guitar Solo
Sexual Allure of Lead Singer
Number of drums hit
Size of biggest stadium played
Number of hotel rooms trashed
Quantity of drugs consumed



a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
The best band is of course... Gong!
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