Another unexciting update since I have far more important things to be getting on with..
I think we're reached the point on the graph where the lines of enthusiasm and acceptable functionality cross. There are still jobs to be done but the bike's serviceable as it is, so my drive to finish the niggly bits is fading.
The replacement freehub arrived recently and I think I might have made an error in seeking to replace the one currently fitted, since there's a (broadly speaking) similar amount of play in the new one - probably because you can only get it so tight using fixed-thickness shims. At least now I have a spare I guess, although it doesn't get me any closer to sorting the indexing issue.
While I'd prefer indexed shifting the back's OK using friction only; although there's maybe a bit of finnickyness at the higher (smaller sprocket) end of the cassette for some reason. Not sure if it's a chainline thing, the smaller sprockets are more prone to this or perhaps are more worn than the rest. I still want to make a tool to check hanger alignment but that keeps getting punted down the road in favour of more pressing matters..
Most cables remain too long while I dither over how to finish them.. apparently stainless doesn't like solder due to the chromium oxide layer that readily forms on its surface (and is also responsible for resisting further oxidation of the iron). This can be removed using acid-based fluxes so I might have another go at some point using phosphoric acid.. although I currently seem to lack a soldering iron
The one cable I am happy with is that for the RD, which has been curved gracefully back on itself to meet its outer, and taped into place (scintillating pic forgotten last time):
On the subject of the cables, it might be my imagination but the brake levers seem to be getting a shade slicker / lighter to operate with use, which I think could be down to the cable inners bedding in. When pushing some paper towel through them to clean them after cutting they did feel like they had some circumferential ridges inside, which may have smoothed out a little with use.
I'm also toying with the idea of fitting a new pair of bottle cages as I'd like more than one and of course they have to match. Currently keeping an eye on
ebay for lower-end stuff; am vaguely tempted by some Topeak Shuttles and missed out on a new pair of silver ones for a tenner posted as I wasn't sure about the colour (I think I'd prefer black). There are a pair of used black ones on there for £14, but if going that far I might as well plump for a bit more and get some from
Halfords for a little more than £18 new. I did buy some of these before for the CdF and wasn't impressed as they were a bit pished, but figured I might give them another chance as I'm less fussy about this bike and cost is obviously an issue too.
I've also just remembered that I probably want to remove the straps from the toe cages on the pedals, since I never used these as intended (bloody death trap tbh!) and only really need the cages to limit the forward position of my feet. If I pull the straps down too tight it gives little clearance to lift my foot enough to disengage with the long pins on the pedal (leading to mild panic every time I stop) while removing them would also mean I could pull my feet out from the sides as necessary - potentially helpful if muscle memory thinks I'm clipped into SPDs..
Finally I managed to sell the Brooks saddle for more than I paid for the replacement Brand X item, as well as also shifting the front rack for a few quid - which has further offset the cost of the bike as a whole. The top tube projector has gone to the charity shop, the really tatty bottle cage will probably follow.
This just leaves the stand (undecided as it was poorly fitted and has wrecked the underside of the chainstays, but I can see the appeal of having one fitted when trying to load / unload the bags) and front low-rider racks to do something with. For now the racks can stay off as I have no use for them and they get in the way when removing the front wheel, although I don't want to rule out their possible use in future. If this happens I'll need to find some way of retaining the hoop to the front of the racks since (just like most other things on this bike that were incomplete, bodged or broken) the little brackets that should do this are missing.. although I think I might get away with some P-clips.