Smoking ............... No more.

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Warped in storage

Well-Known Member
As someone who just recently got back into road riding, giving up smoking has to be the best thing i have done, an would never have done it without the cycling bug causing me to re evaluate and make significant lifestyle changes.
So now i am eating healthier have not had a cigarette for 3 months as of tomorrow and have dropped 5 kg ( 10 more to go ) an have to say i feel bloody fantastic.
Reading peoples stories and achievements on here have spurred me on to stick with it an i am so glad i have
So to anyone reading this thinking should i , can i Yes you should an if i can anyone can :smile:
End of the month and I'm ciggy free two years :wahhey:

I used to smoke 40fags a day then went on to rollies and god knows how many I smoked then a day. Over 25 years sucking a weed makes you think about the cash wasted and the health problems.

I still have a wobble and think about fags, but that's all they are. Hope to never smoke again and cycling really helps.

Good luck to you all and well done :thumbsup:

2 years, 1 month and 11 days. Not that I'm counting :laugh:. I get the odd thinking wobble too. But can't be ar$ed to start again. Laziness has it's benefits :tongue:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Well done to everyone who has stayed stopped.

I have a little program running on my PC that adds up how much I have saved and to date it is up to £14,328.77, and that is based on the prices when I gave up and just based on that alone there is no way I would start smoking again never mind the health benefits.


Nr Bristol
I get the odd thought but I've never been tempted. I don't even mind being around smokers.

I had tried multiple times to quit and had used the NHS Quit services a number of times with no success. One of Mr R's colleagues (another consultant at the hospital) recommended a local hypnotherapy/hypnosis service. I stopped after one sesion with no NRT, no withdrawal and no cravings.

It doesn't work for everyone but it was the best £250 I spent (and that was less than a month's fags).

My family bought me a hypnotherapy session, I went along not really wanting to stop. Came out, looked at the packet of fags in my pocket, threw them in the bin and stopped smoking there and then with no cravings or withdrawal after over 20 years on 25 a day. The power of the mind is amazing.


Über Member
3 weeks smoke free today, no lapses at all :smile:


Über Member
Three months, three weeks, two days, 23 hours, 24 minutes and 56 seconds. 1694 cigarettes not smoked, saving £254.10. Av it! ^_^

I can go days without even thinking of a fag and then suddenly bang! I don't want a cigarette though,it's still the 'habbit' in me but
it's nice to sit there and know it's just the 'old habbit'.
It fookin stinks now anyway!
just keep going everyone,it just gets easier.
Well done to everyone that has kept it up :thumbsup:
:angry: true x

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
its the nicotine what I am addicted to but I suppose that's better than all the rubbish that's in real fags

I think that the other rubbish in fags are addictive too. I have tried nicotine replacement products (patches, inhaler), and I have tried an E-cig. The E-cig is the best but still not quite the same as the real thing. Patches and the like do help a little packing in, and I suffered a little bit having withdraw symptoms from these but nothing like the initial stopping smoking. I have stopped numerous times with different methods once I lasted for 5 years not smoking (what a dumb shoot!).

Nicotine is supposed to be a stimulant but when I used to have a ciggy it used to calm me down, or dumb me down slightly. I am positive that it is some of the other crap in a ciggy that does this, maybe I like carbon monoxide :wacko: So in my case I think I was addicted to a mixture of crap. I never persisted with the E-cig as the one I had was not the best taste-wise and it was not much cheaper than fags the amount of time I was using in it. Been able to use it in the house was probably not a good thing compared to regular fags. I do understand with e-cigs that buying all your own equipment e-juice etc, is much cheaper.

I am just over 7 weeks stopped smoking using Champix, and it has so far for me personally been the best method by a mile. It hasn't been a piece of cake, but it has been vastly easier and I mean vastly easier than the other times I have tried. I only really struggled slightly on the first couple of days that I stopped, and the odd thought in week 1 - week 5. In week 6 I struggled a bit on the first 2 days of the week, strange how it can still bother me after this length of time. It's really weird Champix you feel the sensation of really needed a fag, such as anxiety, being in a bad mood but you actually have no desire or intention of having one. But I am a stress head anyway at times. But it really has worked for me it just appears to have totally blocked any inclination of smoking from my mind, even when out drinking. Maybe not the same for everybody, but it is a very good drug. All the same I will be pleased to get off it as I dislike taking drugs of any kind. I have 3 more weeks to go on the course and hopefully coming off it has no adverse effects. People have told me it doesn't but all the same I plan to half the tablets day and night for the last 4 days or so, then just half in the morning for the last 3. I would definitely recommend Champix to anybody that really struggles with stopping smoking, that all else appears to have failed.

Best of luck everybody.
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