Yep, I'm on an ecig as well & haven't smoked a real cig in over 7 months after smoking for more than 34 years.
The only problem is I'm now addicted to these damn things & still spend around £15 a week!!
£15 a week on what? are you using carts or tanks are you using a cigalike or a mod, in all honesty I used a cigalike with 3 weeks worked out they were crap for me, I bought a decent mod, batteries and charger a couple of bottles of juice and a few vivi nova tanks, I pay out £34 a month on juice and buy replaceable heads for my vivi nova's once every 3 months

good thing is you can regulate your nic intake much easier with the old ecig, not that I have tried as i am happy not smoking the real things, but it's coming to the fore where I will also drop the ecig.
keep it up though mate, it's defo best thing i ever did..