SMIDSY by a copper tonight

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Glad you are OK Ian.

God will folk stop ranting on about a breath test :wacko: - Ian did the right thing and it's usually standard procedure that anyone involved in a RTA is breathalised. Refusing just makes things difficult 'should' a case ever go to court.

This is always a worry of mine when filtering - the driver will see it as not their fault, but they should always check mirrors before turning - hence it IS their FAULT.

Hopefully this should be sorted out quickly.


In between here and there
Well done! Word of caution regarding the gears I threw my derailleur in to the spokes last night was quite a shock rear wheel locking up, even more of a shock I think I have fecked my almost new RS80 wheel :-(


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Well done! Word of caution regarding the gears I threw my derailleur in to the spokes last night was quite a shock rear wheel locking up, even more of a shock I think I have fecked my almost new RS80 wheel :-(

The gear is skipping due to the knock to the handlebars not the actual deraillieur. Just needs indexing again.


Cycled to work today. All fine except for some aches and pains. I have bruised cheek where I face planted, elbow, cut knee and bruised ribs (again ffs). The bike is totally fine too apart from the rear gears slightly skipping which is easy fixed. But am amazed that there is no damage. As I said, not even a scratch.

Popped into the shop of the witness and thanked him for his help last night. He was glad to see me this morning and that I was ok. Said that if I am going to take it further he is happy to help me out. What he did say was that it was lucky there was no traffic coming from the other direction as the van knocked me into the other lane.

So thanks for all the best wishes folks. Much appreciated.

As to the breath test.
I'm not fussed whether it's legal or not.
I saw them test the cop too and it covers my back.

And I have a nice breath test tube as a souvenir...

As to whether I am going to take it further...? Probably not.

Nice to know some people are willing to help. :smile:


Evidence based cyclist
Glad you are OK Ian.

God will folk stop ranting on about a breath test :wacko: - Ian did the right thing and it's usually standard procedure that anyone involved in a RTA is breathalised. Refusing just makes things difficult 'should' a case ever go to court.

This is always a worry of mine when filtering - the driver will see it as not their fault, but they should always check mirrors before turning - hence it IS their FAULT.

Hopefully this should be sorted out quickly.

I don't think anyone was saying that he shouldn't have given a breath test, just that the police didn't really have a legal right to insist on one. If I had been in the same position, I would certainly have given one too.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I don't think anyone was saying that he shouldn't have given a breath test, just that the police didn't really have a legal right to insist on one. If I had been in the same position, I would certainly have given one too.

Does it matter though. God there were a few folk in the thread getting really heated. I'd expect to police to test everyone.


Evidence based cyclist
Does it matter though. God there were a few folk in the thread getting really heated. I'd expect to police to test everyone.
I think it does matter that what the police can and can't do is clear to everyone.
I didn't mean to open a big can of worms with the breath test comment, was just surprised they asked a cyclist to do so!

Glad you're ok and amazed at the fact there's no damage to your bike. Was going to say that at least you know you've been hit by a driver that will pay up!

Police drivers have RTCs all the time. A much larger proportion of us than you'd think have had no additional training above the normal member of public, and aren't even allowed to use the blue lights! I would hazard a guess by his SMIDSY comment that this officer falls into that category. Regardless of whether you pursue things, the accident will be looked at by a supervisor who will decide if anything needs to happen to the officer e.g. does he need to be retested (internally that is, not a full DL retest) before allowed to drive police cars again?

We also prosecute our own when/if necessary. I am aware of an officer at my nick who was prosecuted for careless driving, ironically enough again SMIDSYing a cyclist, albeit in circumstances a little worse than yours!

Finally, I wouldn't be surprised either at four other officers turning up. One would have been required to do the business (with us that's a Sgt) and the others would have just turned up to take the piss (after checking no one was hurt ofc!)

Miquel In De Rain

No Longer Posting
Sounds like they were trying to get anything that might help cover his arse if there was a serious problem?

I thought that.

Hope you are ok ian.

Copper cyclist,what are the rules for policemen driving a police van while on a mobile phone?

Yes I was surprised but I don't know why I was.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I think it does matter that what the police can and can't do is clear to everyone.

Ah but nothing to hide, nothing to worry about ! We all have to cover our own ar$es, cross the T's and dot the I's ! Some folk don't half have a downer/militant streak against the police !

OK, say you had an accident driving your car with a drunk cyclist - you'd clipped him from behind, despite you giving a very wide berth, the guy had a major wobble and turned right across you. You'd be shook up too, but you'd not want a dangerous driving conviction when cyclist was drunk.

If I was asked to give a sample, I would. Rather have any case tied up nicely - lawyers are barstewards remember !
was it a mobile or one of them fancy looking radios thast look like mobiles

Either are not allowed. Mobile big no no, the new airwaves radios are a no no under a technicality (as they are now digital they fall under mobile phone legislation).

Personally ref the radio, if using it as a radio I see little difference between ...
Allowed: Pushing a button on the dashboard to speak
Not allowed: Pushing a button on your radio clipped to your vest
... and I've always suspected a test case would either say that neither are allowed, or both are allowed. No test case yet though, and you'll see police officers using their radios they have for years across the country.

If using it as a phone, or using a mobile phone itself, then it's illegal as it would be for anyone else.


Evidence based cyclist
Ah but nothing to hide, nothing to worry about !
I'm not a big fan of the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" argument. That's often rolled out to justify the removal of our rights and freedoms, and rarely stands up to scrutiny.

If I was asked to give a sample, I would. Rather have any case tied up nicely - lawyers are barstewards remember !

So would I, and so would most people, but I think it's important to know your rights, and what the police can and can't demand from you.
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Cycled to work today. All fine except for some aches and pains. I have bruised cheek where I face planted, elbow, cut knee and bruised ribs (again ffs). The bike is totally fine too apart from the rear gears slightly skipping which is easy fixed. But am amazed that there is no damage. As I said, not even a scratch.

Popped into the shop of the witness and thanked him for his help last night. He was glad to see me this morning and that I was ok. Said that if I am going to take it further he is happy to help me out. What he did say was that it was lucky there was no traffic coming from the other direction as the van knocked me into the other lane.

So thanks for all the best wishes folks. Much appreciated.

As to the breath test.
I'm not fussed whether it's legal or not.
I saw them test the cop too and it covers my back.

And I have a nice breath test tube as a souvenir...

As to whether I am going to take it further...? Probably not.

Although it's not for me to tell you what to do, but really?

I'd thought just making sure that the Cop recieves a severe bollocking at the very least?

Because at the end of the day this is driving without due care. You are perfectly entitled to filter on the outside of slow moving traffic. And for arguments sake, lets say the driver did indicate, you are only indicating your intention. You should still check your mirrors before you move.

Anyway, glad you are ok and the bike is unharmed (most important!)
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