"Smart" phone not working

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My "smart" phone has decided it is not going to send or receive calls. If I try to call it just sits there until I "end" the call, and if I try to call the phone I get "Number not available". Oddly, when I do this, my phone later sends a message saying I've "missed a call".

I know I have money in the account, and I've tried taking the card out and replacing it. I've even ordered another SIM card when it did this a month ago. Now it's doing the same. Any ideas?

Is anyone else as concerned as I am, that these highly unreliable devices are becoming apparently mandatory?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Have you accidentally turned Aeroplane Mode on? :whistle:
I've noticed that occasionally the network shows on the screen, which is probably why I can pick up the messages occasionally.

I tend to use WhatsApp for family, so with that and the intermittent nature of the problem, I suspect this is why I haven't noticed this before.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Is your local phone mast playing up then?

I can't get a signal in my sister's cottage but every now and then a text message will get through. I reckon that is when a plane flies overhead and reflects a signal for a split second. If I go just into the back garden I can sometimes make or receive calls, but usually can't.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Maybe it's swarming with malware, draining your accounts and mining cryptocoins.

Or there are other (legitimate) apps that are somehow interfering with basic functionality, eg storage is full. I'd do a tidy and reboot and then google how to do a safe boot on it and see if it's any better. Ultimately you might have nothing to lose from a factory reset.

Also see if it supports calls ocer wifi, it the standard phone service is dead. Could be a useful stopgap.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Is anyone else as concerned as I am, that these highly unreliable devices are becoming apparently mandatory?

Can't say I am tbh.

I only buy simple phones that have a retail of max' £200 and even then I look for offers.

Current Samsung cost £130 on a deal 2 years ago and has been 100% reliable. Ditto Mrs SD's.

If they ever get flakey I’ll simply replace them.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Assuming there is a fault with it and depending how old it is might not be worth sending to a repairer and you'd be better off with a new handset.
The good news is that budget phones are very good now and the equal of mid range phones of five or so years ago.
Have you accidentally turned Aeroplane Mode on? :whistle:



Leg End Member
How is the Network Search done, manually or automatically?
The latter is always looking for the strongest signal, and may drop the network when switching towers/masts.
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