Slimming World today and I had not lost an oz on their scales. However, at the docs this morning, I was 2lb lighter than last time so 10st 8lbs. Slimming World Scales 11st 3lbs still (no half a stone award this week
@Ern1e was right

) so out of interest, I got on the scales at the gym. This was after a couple of coffees, a fair bit of water and a 25 minute jog and I had my trainers on. The gym scales said 10st 10lbs, which would tally roughly with mine and the docs scales.
At the docs, I said "Are you sure these are accurate". Doc said 'hold on a sec' stuck her head in the next office and beckoned me through. She said 'stand on those' and lo, I was the exact same weight in the nurses office as I was in the doc's office.
SW leader reckons that the difference is 'natural bodily fluctuations'. So in 20 minutes from doc to meeting I naturally fluctuated on 9lbs and then naturally fluctuated off 7lb after drinking a lot, eating an apple and having a run.

I know how much I weigh. I like the meetings, and the people and it's round the corner from the gym so no excuses there.