Oh then that may not be to bad lol, but what I was trying to say was it just made me want one so yes I did walk the half mile down to the co-op but when I got in there they had sold out !! Any way got some very nice strawberries, grapes and a melon and had those instead so good boy me, but tommorow is another day ?
Co-op must have known you were on your way and said "Quick, Ernie is coming and he's on SW. Hide 'em all up and tell him we've sold out"

Great choices in the strawberries, grapes and melon though. Fruit salad.
I use half a melon - cut though so there is a top end and a bottom end - it makes a better bowl that way. Scoop as much melon out as poss and mix with defrosted frozen fruit, strawbs, grapes and any other fruit that I can find then fill the melon skin/bowl with it and top with yoghurt.
I have managed - most of the time - to ignore mentions of lovely food treats and not have it bother me, but from time to time when
@classic33 puts photos of cakey gorgeousness up, I feel tempted. Then I go and look at my size 12 skinny jeans and think 'oh maybe not'.
I am off to do more towards my Silver Body Magic Award now. I have the Bronze so this and next week should see me with my next shiney. Only 1lb to go to my 1/2 stone shiney too. I wonder if the cafe does diet cake? We are off on a 40 miler on the CXs today.