For balance, I am a cyclist and skier.
I love both sports.
In both there is an inherent risk due to them being 'moving' activities. The only risk I pose to other skiers is if I hit them whilst out of control - and I go out of my way to ensure this never happens. I ski in a manner where I am fully aware of my surroundings and always shoulder check for any direction/speed change. I was taught to look uphill to see if I was going to be on a converging course with other skiers.
As for the middle-class Hooray-Henry tag - I am neither - I am a man from a relatively poor background that skis for the adventure of it. I like the physical aspect of skiing, being out in the mountains, developing my technique and ability. Yes, there is the Apres-Ski element, but as none of my friends or family have the slightest interest in skiing (much like the majority on here by the looks of it), I normally go alone on holiday, and apart from the odd beer on a night I don't get hammered - besides I have saved hard for a holiday to do a sporting activity I love, so why waste time hungover in bed when I can be carving the first tracks in the morning before it gets crowded?
Cold.....One myth that needs to be busted. Skiing is a much harder activity to do physically than people imagine. One of the products of hard exercise is body heat. I have NEVER been cold skiing.
True about cost - it is expensive, but I don't smoke, don't drink much, don't drive the car much, so find it quite easy to save up to go to the Alps most years. I also go to the same resort and same B&B, I know the people, I get a good rate for the room and the food etc isn't too expensive anyway.
I know the ski area very well, so there's no getting lost and crashing because 'I didn't know the run' - I speak fluent German, so there's no barrier to my integration in the resort - I just waltz around totally at home with everything.
Oh, and I dont wear a helmet when skiing either - I usually wear one of these: