Sick of this wind

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Senior Member
I really hope it does stop soon. Came my closest to death today thanks to the wind. I was really being blown all over the place on one particular bit of road and had lorries thundering by way too close despite there being absolutely loads of room. Terrifying!


Über Member
I've not had the bike out for over two months thanks to the cold and the wind and it's getting tedious now. I'm so sick of being cold and the fact my mother's swanning off to Gran Canaria tomorrow and Tunisia next month whilst I've barely two pennies to my name isn't helping matters :angry:


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Get Strava, then at least half of a looped journey in high winds will be super joyful.

Monday I rode home from work into said easterly wind !
When I realised I was close to a Strava segment going the other way so turned the bike around and rode segment flat out with what was now a lovely tailwind ....... got a KOM ;)

Boy was I happy when I got the results !!!

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Saturday could be the change as the wind swings round to a SSW with lower wind speed.

I'll look forward to that then. Had a horrendous battle with the wind yesterday (and nose running)


A cold wind can make cycling a miserable experience and trying to regulate your body temperature with the right amount of clothing is almost impossible. Either of them on their own is not too much of a problem.


Active Member
Cleator, Cumbria
A cold wind can make cycling a miserable experience and trying to regulate your body temperature with the right amount of clothing is almost impossible. Either of them on their own is not too much of a problem.

Went out for a spin yesterday in a balmy 8 degrees and very little wind and with shorts on! It was lovely to feel the sun on my legs and back.

One thing which did strike me was how much less energy I needed to go the same speed. I think that besides the wind it takes a lot more energy when we have those vast temperature differences between body parts.

Roll on please :smile:


I have been planning a decent length ride this week as well as a weekend one; the last two days I've avoided going out as we're getting a solid 19 mph North Easterly with up to 38 mph gusts - I just can't face it, is this normal? ...or should I be applying Rules #5n9 and just be getting on with it?


Ridley rider
Sick of the wind...oh yes....straight in the face on the way into work at 6 am means getting really cold for the first mile or so until warmed up........this morning was HARD work....will be flying on the way home however :thumbsup:.
Never mind RAIN to look forward to next week :whistle:
Sick of the wind...oh yes....straight in the face on the way into work at 6 am means getting really cold for the first mile or so until warmed up........this morning was HARD work....will be flying on the way home however :thumbsup:.
Never mind RAIN to look forward to next week :whistle:
Well it is April, it's only to be expected.
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