I have only been getting in rides of about an hour lately, been a little busy with other things like work and house chores.

Have been having to save some of the energy for those but I have gone out to one of the hills (I call it the beast

) that made me get off in the rain and push my Townie up it. It is only about a half mile but some of the grades get up to near 10 percent, which isn't too shabby for the roads around here. I have been climbing it with standard gearing and notice I am making it up much easier these days. It still gets me winded and I do have to sit down to finish it, but I am recovering much faster than before. New goal to accomplish before the end of the year for me is to climb it all the way while standing.
I miss my highway rides this time of year because of the evening sunlight, it keeps me warmer. It gets a little nippy riding in the shade of the trees on the country roads near dusk, although it hasn't been cold enough yet to get me out of shorts and short sleeve base layer t shirt, yet. I hope it stays that way another month or so but I can feel the cool air moving in. The country roads are just so much cleaner that I don't really have to worry about punctures (knock on wood).
I haven't put on my GP 4000s tires yet but I am getting antsy to try them.