Hmmmm - went down to the garage to dig out Lovely Trusty Steed after having spent an age summoning up enthusiasm to go out into the stiff breeze and as I was getting togged up I noticed I was precisely one glove short of a pair!
I guess I must've dropped it in the village at my end of usual ride stopping point which is about 150m short of the house - I use this distance as a cool down walk.
Cue total fraggy-ness on my part!

I was really irritated but off I went with nude hands getting vibrated in an RSI inducing manner.
However, the lost glove scenario overwhelmed me (I couldn't get it out of my head) and in tandem with Mr Wind it demolished my hard won enthusiasm and after a short while I pootled home so only 8.76 miles @ 13.92 mph av' for me.
Had a ferret around Lovely Village Where I Live and the errant glove was nowhere to be seen so I was straight on the Lappie when I got in only to find that my gloves have been discontinued and replaced by a Newer Model which I have now ordered.
I stayed safe with All Black instead of White/Black which was way to daring for me!
Stay safe all and have good evenings whatever you are up to.
We will be glued to streaming thingy drinking wine and scoffing cheesy crisps

whilst watching Chelsea hopefully beating the daylights out of Steyr Bucharest!