Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I only took the camera with me as the plan was to go up Saintbury, which has some lovely views ideal back drop for a bike pic on a lovely day like today.
As there are a few pictures creeping into the thread I borrowed my sons small camera and took these on today's ride;

I was planning an attack on Saintbury but as it was so nice I did the larger 14 mile loop which takes in this stretch of my favourite ride. Avg 16.2 mph which surprised me.
I trying to take it easy as night shift starts at five tonight.
Helps if you rotate the image Brian.;)
Mo we have a mix here some bad some good, there is one level crossing which is very bad.
Just did a quickish 22 miles, and i am pretty chuffed with some of the times considering the breeze. Overall avg of 14.8mph with 48.35ft per mile climb (96.7ft per over half the course)
Got this KOM back finally. 2.6mph faster at 23.5mph.
A total of 14 p.b's
So I guess the new wheels have helped, and they definitely have smoothed the road out some.
They are showing fine for me Nigel. :biggrin: :biggrin: ;)
To me it looks like you've been cycling on Uranus. (axis tilted at almost 90 degrees).;)

Further to my earlier post, I finally made this in sub 1 min, well chuffed.
Climb to A1 Southbound Darrington
0.2miles grade 2.8% 13.3mph, when i first did it the majority of the time I was crawling up it in a 26x34 gear, with averages of between 9-10mph.
it would equate to a 37x17 gear today. or 26x12. (not that you would use that just a comparison)


Legendary Member
Sorry, don't know what else to do, as it is showing up at the correct rotation for me. Anyone else seeing it out 90 deg out.
Yes Brian. First pic lying on it's right hand side. Needing rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise for me anyway.


I have all my rides stored in Cyclemeter, not sure i can post them up.. on top of that 50% of my riding is done when i visit my training partner thursday night, we do interval and resistance training for an hour, where he does his best to make me suffer :smile: but i can happily say since getting back in the saddle end of Dec that i cracked out a nice 19m ride to canary wharf and back, which i was very chuffed about, as my mate set the pace at 16-18mph i was a tad knackered when we got home!
I have all my rides stored in Cyclemeter, not sure i can post them up.. on top of that 50% of my riding is done when i visit my training partner thursday night, we do interval and resistance training for an hour, where he does his best to make me suffer :smile: but i can happily say since getting back in the saddle end of Dec that i cracked out a nice 19m ride to canary wharf and back, which i was very chuffed about, as my mate set the pace at 16-18mph i was a tad knackered when we got home!
If you can export as either tcx or gpx files you can upload to strava, I you wish.
Just been looking through my stats, and i think this is intresting.
The last three days My cadence avg has been 81, with a gear of 62.29" , I have never managed an avg gear over 60 with more than 78 cadence before. Well on a rolling 7 day history.
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