Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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This looks great! Should be good fun, I don't how I would cope with having to alter my sleep tp make sure I am awake for that though


This looks great! Should be good fun, I don't how I would cope with having to alter my sleep tp make sure I am awake for that though

I done Reading to Brighton over night ride with the Reading CTC on a Friday night. I got up for work at 7 in the morning worked the whole day come home had some dinner then started making my way to Reading for Midnight. I didn't get back home until 10 o'clock on the Saturday morning! I was sleepy when I got home but during the ride I felt fine, just make sure you get some early nights for the whole week before :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Just 25 this morning. Actually expected the wind to pick up worse than it has. Next couple of days supposed to be strong too so will just be around the 20 mile mark probably. Probably should have done a bit more this morning since it wasn't too bad but was actually feeling a bit fed up and just wanted to get home.


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Just 25 this morning. Actually expected the wind to pick up worse than it has. Next couple of days supposed to be strong too so will just be around the 20 mile mark probably. Probably should have done a bit more this morning since it wasn't too bad but was actually feeling a bit fed up and just wanted to get home.

Are there no cycling clubs in your area Mo ? Even cycling with someone else helps to motivate and/or add a competitive edge to the trip.


Legendary Member
Are there no cycling clubs in your area Mo ? Even cycling with someone else helps to motivate and/or add a competitive edge to the trip.
Next door neighbour cycles but we both seem to be quite happy cycling on our own. There is a club in Perth but it is a very serious, racing, time trials, hill climb type club.

Think it's just the combination of bad weather and feeling a bit saddle sore with trying to get the miles in that is getting to me. All for a daft virtual badge :laugh: It's about time Strava started issuing real prizes for these challenges I think! Even a paper certificate that you could show your pals would be better than nothing. Would even consider paying for full membership if they were more generous.
Next door neighbour cycles but we both seem to be quite happy cycling on our own. There is a club in Perth but it is a very serious, racing, time trials, hill climb type club.

Think it's just the combination of bad weather and feeling a bit saddle sore with trying to get the miles in that is getting to me. All for a daft virtual badge :laugh: It's about time Strava started issuing real prizes for these challenges I think! Even a paper certificate that you could show your pals would be better than nothing. Would even consider paying for full membership if they were more generous.
Do a screen print.
I was sore last night. I much prefer a ride with some hills in it, at least I get out of the saddle.
I also need some new shorts. The saddle is not to bad, seeing as it's the original, I also rode to London on it in 2008 , well rode and pushed, and that was without padded shorts, maybe why I pushed it it some, seriously though it was more fitness and wrong gearing for a bike laden up with a sleeping bag ect....

I raised the princley sum of £23 for missing people, as at the time mum had been missing 22 years, we found out in 2011 she had died in 1995, 9 years after she went missing, the reason I rode to London was the W.N.B.R., so combined the two.


Legendary Member
Do a screen print.
I was sore last night. I much prefer a ride with some hills in it, at least I get out of the saddle.
I also need some new shorts. The saddle is not to bad, seeing as it's the original, I also rode to London on it in 2008 , well rode and pushed, and that was without padded shorts, maybe why I pushed it it some, seriously though it was more fitness and wrong gearing for a bike laden up with a sleeping bag ect....

I raised the princley sum of £23 for missing people, as at the time mum had been missing 22 years, we found out in 2011 she had died in 1995, 9 years after she went missing, the reason I rode to London was the W.N.B.R., so combined the two.
Sorry to read about your mum. Sounds horrible but glad you at least found out what happened to her.

Good idea about the screen print :smile: Just had the dog out a quick walk and there is now a bitterly cold wind so glad I didn't stay out too long. I think Scotland is to be around 10 degrees colder than the south for the next few days. Just when I thought spring had arrived it now feels almost winter like again.
As there are a few pictures creeping into the thread I borrowed my sons small camera and took these on today's ride;




I was planning an attack on Saintbury but as it was so nice I did the larger 14 mile loop which takes in this stretch of my favourite ride. Avg 16.2 mph which surprised me.
I trying to take it easy as night shift starts at five tonight.


Legendary Member
Looks like it was a lovely day Brian. Must say, the more I see of some of you guys roads, the more I notice just how bad mine are. Is that pretty much the norm for you, or was that one of your better surfaced ones?
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