Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Been out a couple of times recently but only for short rides due to work commitments, the Mrs has been nagging for a bike to pop to her favourite country pub on when the weathers nicer (10 mile round trip) so gave in and surprised her with a triban 3a yesterday (also getting some brownie points in early for when I mention buying myself a nice new bike in a few months!)

Went out with her for 5 miles last night at an average speed of 10 mph, reminded me that actually taking it steady was really enjoyable and I shouldn't be so hung up about speed.

Working from home today so wanted to get out but after chasing bins down the street decided I'll give it a miss until the wind calms down.
That's how I feel Nigel. Most of my roads are out in the country and can be pretty exposed. Headwinds are bad enough but the sideways gusts when you pass field entrances, etc can really push you over a good couple of feet.There was an idiot driver yesterday must have passed me close on 80mph and reasonably close. I hate to think what would have happened if I had got caught in a gust of wind at that point. What possesses these people to drive at that speed on country roads?
It's not so much the speed, I could drive fast, but there is a time when it is safer and times when it's not, obviously the driver was blind to, one the general conditions and two the fact he/she was overtaking a cyclist in adverse conditions.
I think that bad driving is down to not being aware of conditions around you, don't get me wrong i get loads wrong on the bike, one of my main faults is indicating to overtake parked vehicles or maybe not giving enough indication at junctions, I am trying to work on these.

Steve my spelling and grammar have let me down.;)
Been out a couple of times recently but only for short rides due to work commitments, the Mrs has been nagging for a bike to pop to her favourite country pub on when the weathers nicer (10 mile round trip) so gave in and surprised her with a triban 3a yesterday (also getting some brownie points in early for when I mention buying myself a nice new bike in a few months!)

Went out with her for 5 miles last night at an average speed of 10 mph, reminded me that actually taking it steady was really enjoyable and I shouldn't be so hung up about speed.

Working from home today so wanted to get out but after chasing bins down the street decided I'll give it a miss until the wind calms down.
Been trying to persuade the O.H. definite no from her, but "my love" I say it will help with your weight and your diabetes, plus you cant accuse me of wrong doings whilst out "why do you think I got the g.p.s. " says I, certainly wasn't for the miles I ain't getting done this week.


Legendary Member
Well the wheels won't be here until at least tomorrow, and probably late on, planet-x hadn't even dispatched them.
Damn, hope you get them tomorrow.
Hard luck Nige, you've still done a great effort this month and you are ahead of your annual target
Agreed, your mileage for the month/year is still good. When your wheels arrive hopefully the wind will have died down too! :thumbsup:
Well I did an avg of nearly 36 miles each day I was out in Nov that was 15 days, though it wont have been consecutive days. I suppose if they do come tomorrow, I could just change the front wheel so I can get some miles done, as the rear will take a little sorting re. spacer.
I have been stuck on just 23 miles from 5000 miles since June all week, it feels almost destined as though I am not to complete it.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Unlucky Nigel, you really made a go of it on this one and things conspired against you. Pick yourself up and get ready for the next one if you really want to complete the challenge. Its called a challenge for a reason!
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