Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
Well done everyone. :smile: I have been feeling pretty under the weather the past few days. In fact I have spent 20 of the last 24 hours asleep. I'm feeling a bit better now though so I'm hoping to go out for a short ride later on, if not then tomorrow instead.


Legendary Member
Well done everyone. :smile: I have been feeling pretty under the weather the past few days. In fact I have spent 20 of the last 24 hours asleep. I'm feeling a bit better now though so I'm hoping to go out for a short ride later on, if not then tomorrow instead.

Awww......hope you feel better today. Having a day off myself as had a couple of teeth extracted yesterday and my mouth is a bit sore. Just a gentle dog walk instead. At least the sun is out now. ^_^


Well done everyone. :smile: I have been feeling pretty under the weather the past few days. In fact I have spent 20 of the last 24 hours asleep. I'm feeling a bit better now though so I'm hoping to go out for a short ride later on, if not then tomorrow instead.
Get well soon.

No point going out if you're not 100%. I've found if I push myself doing physical activities when not too well I de-motivate myself.


Senior Member
Awww......hope you feel better today. Having a day off myself as had a couple of teeth extracted yesterday and my mouth is a bit sore. Just a gentle dog walk instead. At least the sun is out now. ^_^
Thanks Mo. :smile: Feeling a little better today, all that sleep was much needed! Hope your mouth feels better soon. It's a nice day here too, very very still. Why couldn't it be like this in the week when I was battling against those headwinds?!

Get well soon.

No point going out if you're not 100%. I've found if I push myself doing physical activities when not too well I de-motivate myself.

Cheers mate. :smile: I think that was my problem on Tuesday. I've never felt so knackered after a ride. I blamed the headwinds but now I know it was because I was coming down with something too. I may do a quick 5 or 10 miles before it gets dark just to get out of the house. Nothing too strenuous but I could do with some fresh air and it'd be a shame to miss this whole weekend when the weather is so nice. If I still feel OK after that I can do a longer ride tomorrow perhaps.


North Carolina
Hi All another newbie joining here, ive been cycling for around a month now can only go out at weekends due to work restrictions however this morning did 11.15 miles in 59 mins. i was quite pleased with this but not sure if his is any good.
oh just a bit of back ground im nearing the 50 mark pretty fast and just given up smoking. im no couch potatoe and dont need to lose weight just doing this as i want to do something with my life. :rolleyes:

All miles that you do and enjoy getting out doing them are good. Good luck with the smoking, the bike will help take your mind off of it. Just be careful of picking up a new habit like buying lights for the bike and getting more saddle time in.


Über Member
I picked up my new road bike yesterday and have done 2 rides of around 15 miles each. The difference in riding my a roubaix compared to my Orange Crush MTB is huge. The gears mean climbing is harder but overall the ride is about 2 MPH faster.

For those wondering how fast is good for a new rider, I did a ride around Merthyr Tydfil today that started off downhill but ended with an 8 mile gradual uphill and averaged 13.1 mph. The challenge for me is that I weigh over 21 st. I have lost over a stone in the last month and I'm sure I'll go faster as I het lighter.

I'm feeling really pleased with myself. Enjoying the riding and feeling much fitter.

For me 13 mph is fast and I'll gauge progress as I improve so no need to feel inferior if you aren't riding at 20 mph for 50 miles.


Über Member
Well I have recovered from one of the worlds most dangerous illnesses....MAN FLU!

Went out and did 25 miles ( even though strava didn't record it all :sad: )
nice ride and the weather stayed good.

There are some good results on here, lets keep it up :thumbsup:
Feel quite tired now but that's probably a good thing as I would never have got to sleep tonight after the amount of sleep I've had in the past two days!

Glad to know your feeling better.

For me 13 mph is fast and I'll gauge progress as I improve so no need to feel inferior if you aren't riding at 20 mph for 50 miles.

I just done 52.8 miles at an avg of 13.3 and climbed 2543 ft, this is after 3 1/2 months, my first ride was

Date Miles Tm Avg Sp Max Sp Elev Gain Ft Elev Lost Ft Low Ht Ft High Ht Ft Alt Range
23/06/2012 8.53 00:54:54 9.3 21.8 400 400 85 240 155

19/10/2012 45.10 03:26:51 13.1 26.9 2211 2211 37 265 228
20/10/2012 52.80 03:57:57 13.3 28.7 2543 2543 20 378 358

So whilst I am not fast, I have had quicker rides, I am climbing more hills but I have to go further afield to find them.

Not loaded it to strava yet but here it is on ridewithgps.
You can create segments on there to, it gives quite detailed info on your ride.
Nice progress Nigel

Thanks Davey, but my avg sp is down from 14.78 that i recorded one wk to 13.44 this wk, having said that I climbed 4437 ft that wk an avg of 887 per ride, this wk I climbed 6965ft with an avg of 1741ft per ride nearly twice as much on avg, but the wk i did my fastest avg sp I was only out for 2 rides of about 30 miles, this week I have done 4 covered 149.61 miles.
P.s. I have covered over the 2000 miles now.:wahhey:
p.p.s plus 4 p.b's on strava I wasnt expecting that today.
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