Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Upto 2hr34 is gold, 2hr34 to 2hr45(I think) is silver. And anything over that is bronze as long as you finished.

Thanks Reece. Did you see the photos are online?
It was a bit paiful but not the way you would imagine..

I had just about10km of my ride to go and my nose was streaming, so I stopped by the road side with my feet still clipped in and me and the bike leaning on a crash barrier, as I was reaching into my back pocket for some tissues to blow my nose my hand got stuck and then I got cramp in my hand while still in the back pocket all at the same time.
It seemed like forever to get my hand out and it was really sore, so I unclipped and as I stood there one of my legs got cramp as well..
After a few minutes the cramp lessened and I got back on the bike and rode home but it was all very sore..
The last bit seemed to take forever..

But yes I could have gone futher had that not happened and I have just got myself a new saddle which never let me down... I'm just tired really..

Looking forward to the next ride.. :thumbsup:
Well done.
I was a little like that when I did it in Nov, the last bit even though you know you can bail ( I could at any of three points, in the last 15-20 miles), it just dragged, I suppose thats part the reason I dont usually do more tha 50Km these days, but quite happy upto that and maybe 60km, beyond that it's not fun for me, it's not being in the saddle or soreness as such, come to expect some of that from time to time, thing is anything less than 50Km's doesn't feel like I have been out.

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Well done.
I was a little like that when I did it in Nov, the last bit even though you know you can bail ( I could at any of three points, in the last 15-20 miles), it just dragged, I suppose thats part the reason I dont usually do more tha 50Km these days, but quite happy upto that and maybe 60km, beyond that it's not fun for me, it's not being in the saddle or soreness as such, come to expect some of that from time to time, thing is anything less than 50Km's doesn't feel like I have been out.

In a way its my fault really as I promised SHMBO we would go out as soon as I got back, so I think I was a bit tense on the last bit and trying to rush.. I should of just plodded on regardless.
The next time I will not make the same mistake and put a clock on my ride..
Plus I wanted to do it without unwanted stops.. apart from the call of nature of course.

Tonight I'm not too bad and dont ache like I thought I would which means my fitness is improving all the time too. :smile:

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
100k, well done. I think 100k in the Uk and I'd be an ice cube.....assuming I could ride 100k !!

Temperature was a bit hard to get right..
When I started at 8 o'clock it was 4c and when I finished at dinner time it was 18c so I was either too hot or too cold..


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Temperature was a bit hard to get right..
When I started at 8 o'clock it was 4c and when I finished at dinner time it was 18c so I was either too hot or too cold..

Same problem for me, I also get too hot.....from the layers trying to keep the cold out, but my nose ( it's not small ) turns blue etc !

Never mind soon be summer, at least the rain is warmer then......haha !

Let's all hope it's a nice year for the weather !


Re: Pain, I got it in the outside of my foot yesterday, I think it's from a long ride in soft soled trainers. Some proper cycling shoes are in line if I get an employee dividend...

I also rode home from work as it was dry, I enjoyed it but really should have taken the day off as I felt like I needed a rest day as soon as I had a slight climb...spinning tomorrow is going to make me cry.

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Same problem for me, I also get too hot.....from the layers trying to keep the cold out, but my nose ( it's not small ) turns blue etc !

Never mind soon be summer, at least the rain is warmer then......haha !

Let's all hope it's a nice year for the weather !

Hope the weather breaks soon, as its much better when the suns out.. :smile:


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Currently snowing and an artic wind here :angry: Just been a quick 40 minute walk with the dog and it nearly gives you face freeze!

Got the same here Mo. But it is stopping, and I do see some bright spells coming. However just put the bin out and it's freeeeeeeezzzzzing........again !

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Bright and sunny (and frosty) here. Took the dog out to decide if the ice might be a problem. The puddles were all frozen so I'm leaving it for a little while for the sun to start its melting job. Nice and bright :smile:
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