Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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You should do it the next time you get a chance, it makes a really nice change from road cycling. :laugh:

When I go out with my lad now I use the old pink mountain bike, it is a refreshing change.

I have spent the last 5 1/2 hours building a flat pack TV Cabinet my wife bought yesterday. I wouldn't mind but the intructions say one hour to build it and I still have the two drawers to bulid, I have given up for the night! :cursing:
I managed to get out today despite the rubbish weather. My longest ride so far without stopping and the most hilly too! So I guess I must be improving although it wasn't a fast ride I'm still happy. I'm hoping to do two commutes to work next week to get my mileage up.:thumbsup:

It's good to see the weather isnt beating people and you are all getting out and doing a few miles!
Nice ride Elliot, what is good you had something at the end to get a p.b. which doesnt look an easy one.
I tend to miss the better days for some reason, today wasn't to bad though, it wasnt windy nor felt cold, once going. Toes a tad cold when finished, but didn't notice whilst riding.


Nice ride Elliot, what is good you had something at the end to get a p.b. which doesnt look an easy one.
I tend to miss the better days for some reason, today wasn't to bad though, it wasnt windy nor felt cold, once going. Toes a tad cold when finished, but didn't notice whilst riding.

That's defiantly a segment which is not competitive! I got spot number 10/23 going up it in one of the easiest gears. I'm more concerned who took 3 plus mis to do it! :laugh:

I'm doing a 100KM sportive in April so I'm slowing building up to doing a 60+ mile ride. One problem I do find is eating when I'm going round, I tend to snack on jelly babies from my rear jacket pocket but I cant do that with my full gloves on. Half gloves make my poor hands all cold :sad: Is there a a solution or do I need to man up until the weather gets warmer? :P haha.


Senior Member
I did that the other night, when I noticed and pressed start my gps decided I had done a couple of miles in zero seconds, it gave me an average moving speed of over 450mph :ohmy:

I used the strava app on my android phone today for the first time in months (I have a garmin on the road bike) and I forgot how inaccurate it was. The elevation it recorded is about 200 feet off from the strava segment of that very climb on strava itself. :wacko: I guess phones have quite cheap GPS receivers in them. Mind you I guess we can't complain, it does so so much and is about 1cm wide and weighs about 50g!

When I go out with my lad now I use the old pink mountain bike, it is a refreshing change.

I have spent the last 5 1/2 hours building a flat pack TV Cabinet my wife bought yesterday. I wouldn't mind but the intructions say one hour to build it and I still have the two drawers to bulid, I have given up for the night!

Blimey, I don't blame you for giving up for the night! I think I would have thrown it through the window by now. :laugh: I almost did that with my gatorskins earlier, those things are a bugger to get off the rim. There really is no upside with them..


Senior Member
That's defiantly a segment which is not competitive! I got spot number 10/23 going up it in one of the easiest gears. I'm more concerned who took 3 plus mis to do it! :laugh:

I'm doing a 100KM sportive in April so I'm slowing building up to doing a 60+ mile ride. One problem I do find is eating when I'm going round, I tend to snack on jelly babies from my rear jacket pocket but I cant do that with my full gloves on. Half gloves make my poor hands all cold :sad: Is there a a solution or do I need to man up until the weather gets warmer? :P haha.

That fella probably took a breather which is why he was so slow. I've seen some people average less than 1mph on segments because of that!

That wouldn't be the Shakespeare 100 would it? Hopefully the weather in April will be better so you won't need such thick gloves. Most sportives have feeding stations anyway so you can stop and take your gloves off and eat something then.


I used the strava app on my android phone today for the first time in months (I have a garmin on the road bike) and I forgot how inaccurate it was. The elevation it recorded is about 200 feet off from the strava segment of that very climb on strava itself. :wacko: I guess phones have quite cheap GPS receivers in them. Mind you I guess we can't complain, it does so so much and is about 1cm wide and weighs about 50g! .

I get this when I upload it from the strava app on my phone to strava via wifi .Initially it might say an elevation gain of 900 ft but it then reduces down to the 'correct' amount. I assume it realises the figures are pie in the sky and then uses the set data strava have.

@typhon No its not. I'm doing the Heart of Kent Cyclo Sportive.
That's defiantly a segment which is not competitive! I got spot number 10/23 going up it in one of the easiest gears. I'm more concerned who took 3 plus mis to do it! :laugh:

I'm doing a 100KM sportive in April so I'm slowing building up to doing a 60+ mile ride. One problem I do find is eating when I'm going round, I tend to snack on jelly babies from my rear jacket pocket but I cant do that with my full gloves on. Half gloves make my poor hands all cold :sad: Is there a a solution or do I need to man up until the weather gets warmer? :P haha.
The weather will be warmer in April, should manage with fingerless by then, in the meantime do what i do stop for a min like at a set of lights. Though I dont usually need anything on my rides as they tend to be less then 60km. Though if I am doing more than 50Km I have stuff with me, usually fig rolls.


Legendary Member
That's defiantly a segment which is not competitive! I got spot number 10/23 going up it in one of the easiest gears. I'm more concerned who took 3 plus mis to do it! :laugh:

I'm doing a 100KM sportive in April so I'm slowing building up to doing a 60+ mile ride. One problem I do find is eating when I'm going round, I tend to snack on jelly babies from my rear jacket pocket but I cant do that with my full gloves on. Half gloves make my poor hands all cold :sad: Is there a a solution or do I need to man up until the weather gets warmer? :P haha.

Wear your full gloves and when you want to eat, stop, take your gloves off, eat, gloves back on and on your merry way. You will enjoy your ride more and go faster and further if you are comfortable. Give it a few months and you won't need full gloves and then you can eat on route.

Alternatively whilst riding a flat section, if it is safe and you can do it. Ride non handed and remove a glove, nibble, glove back on, carry on.
I get this when I upload it from the strava app on my phone to strava via wifi .Initially it might say an elevation gain of 900 ft but it then reduces down to the 'correct' amount. I assume it realises the figures are pie in the sky and then uses the set data strava have.
What you have to remember is that most phone g.p.s is car orientated and will use predictive software when you are using it as a sat nav. even a dedicated gps like garmin can have some wonderfully of course tracks.
gps track.JPG

It was pretty much ok after that though i think it wondered a little, it was even worse before I got the speed/cadence sensor. The nokia 95 was even worse.
I do find if I switch it on a good 10-15 mins before I set off I get pretty good tracks.
Blimey, I don't blame you for giving up for the night! I think I would have thrown it through the window by now. :laugh: I almost did that with my gatorskins earlier, those things are a bugger to get off the rim. There really is no upside with them..
Trust me, I was ready to bin the Blardy thing. Still just the drawers to go Sunday, they can't be that hard, can they?

I hope I get out for a ride tomorrow .

Dan Allison

Well-Known Member
I managed to get out today despite the rubbish weather. My longest ride so far without stopping and the most hilly too! So I guess I must be improving although it wasn't a fast ride I'm still happy. I'm hoping to do two commutes to work next week to get my mileage up.:thumbsup:

It's good to see the weather isnt beating people and you are all getting out and doing a few miles!

nice ride, looks like kind of distance i am doing currently. I am also doing a 100km but not till june. Never the less thing i need to push on with some rides through this cold.
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